Everything that's going on in the sky and how can it possibly influence you, you personally, represents a source of continual fascination in your eyes? Well, know that after two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses so far in 2019, we will be entitled to the last eclipse of the year on December 26…and she will be solar! What does that mean to you, exactly? Let’s take a closer look…
Article in collaboration with our astrologer Ginette Blais.
Just a minute: before you get too excited, you should know that the next total solar eclipse that will be visible in Canada is “scheduled” for April 8, 2024. So, better luck next time for December 26! However, that does not mean that this eclipse – that of the 26th – will not be important, on the contrary…
Before tackling the influence of such an event on your person, let's clarify the technical side of the matter.
What is a solar eclipse?
First, whether it is lunar or solar, an eclipse means the momentary, partial or complete disappearance of a star, in this case the Sun or the Moon, and sometimes even a planet.
Now, an eclipse is said to be solar when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, thereby casting a shadow over part of the Earth. The three categories of solar eclipses are distinguished as follows:
- the partial eclipse. That's when the Sun and the Moon are not perfectly aligned. As a result, only part of the Sun is hidden by the Moon.
- the total eclipse. There, no possible doubt: the Moon completely covers the Sun.
- the annular eclipse. The Moon has moved closer to the Sun, so from our perspective it looks slightly smaller than the Sun… A ring of Sun is visible around the Moon.
Moreover, the eclipse of December 26, 2019 belongs to this third category.
Oh you, eclipse, tell me how you plan to affect me!
Here are some important points that our astrologer Ginette Blais would like to draw your attention to, regarding the annular solar eclipse on December 26. Note that, according to astronomy, this will occur in the constellation of Sagittarius and that the planet Jupiter will play a big role in it.
A beautiful mix of emotions is directly linked to this solar eclipse… Personal ambition, perseverance, the desire for security and the need for stability are particularly targeted by this solar event. Basically, this December 26 eclipse will push you to realize that now is the time to admit your mistakes, because that's the only way to come to learn from them. Remember that the past – and its mistakes – are there to teach you lessons.
In this period, you must also pay particular attention to compromises. Tsé, this word does not exist for nothing! The sensitivity of others must always be taken into consideration.
Finally, this December 26 eclipse could positively influence you to put forward ideas and projects that are close to your heart or to explore a new passion.
Our astrologer Ginette Blais points out that a beautiful spiritual opening will manifest, strong enough to fill you with power until January 10, 2020!
Happy solar eclipse of December 26 (like Boxing Day isn't just that day)!
Sources: espacepourlavie.ca and asc-csa.gc.ca