From January 21 to February 19, it is the turn of the astrological sign of Verseau to be celebrated! What best defines the natives of Aquarius? Discover his preferences, his character traits, his perfect love matches and more: here is 13 things to know about Aquarius.
What's coming in 2022 for this sign? Go discover our 2022 astro forecast for the natives of Aquarius.
1. Her favorite colors are: indigo, purple, blue gray, navy, dark chic grays and reds, and black and white.
2. Its metals are: uranium, the raw material of the nuclear industry, and aluminum.
3. Its element is: l'Air.
4. Its flowers are: the orchid, the white lily.
5. Its ruling planet is: Uranus.
6. Her birthstones are: garnet and angelite.
- Garnet is a very popular talisman. This protective stone allows Aquarius to shine in society. Also, it protects the wearer against any attack from occult forces or ill-intentioned people. In addition, garnet attracts love with its deep red that resembles the color of blood, which makes it even more powerful.
- Also known as the " stone of angels » angelite is the stone of awareness. Aquarius should always wear one since it attracts pure luck and happiness in love, and it is a solid protection against evil spirits.
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7. Aquarius is a fundamentally independent being. and who can be indifferent if a person fails to attract his attention. Aquarius knows how to create strong friendships during their lifetime. He excels at communicating, exchanging and sharing even if he remains a being sometimes in his head (it's an Air sign, after all!). He may seem insensitive at first sight, but this is not the case deep down, he experiences all the emotions and often thinks of the collective. Aquarians are recognized for their avant-gardism, their eccentricity or in any case their way of seeing life in a different way; a gaze turned towards the future and often towards “us”. He shines with his originality, his vision and his good taste in clothing. the Verseau love to learn; he is interested in novelties to get in tune with his time, fashion and current knowledge.
8. His friends are:
- Aries will prove to be an ideal ally. They will both be extremely complicit.
- Capricorn will offer him a lasting and deep friendship. Mutual respect will set in.
- With another Aquarius, the Air element may be too powerful; the cerebral aspect will be over-simulated, but the two will understand and support each other well.
- The fish will give him the opportunity to experience magical and extraordinary moments.
9. Her perfect love match is:
- With Gemini ; neither will touch the ground. They will be both friends and lovers.
- The Lion with a sign with whom there could be a beautiful romantic relationship. Except that it can only work if everyone puts their ego aside...
- With Sagittarius they will form the ideal couple. He will finish his sentences and he, his.
10. His “enemies” are:
- With Cancer he will often wish to be somewhere other than in the same room... The two signs do not at all approach emotions in the same way!
- The Virgin will end up falling royally on his nerves. Their two powerful cerebralities would end up killing the agreement between them!
- The Scorpion and its dark and too intense side will end up weakening it. But the two have a visionary side that could reconcile them...
11 What this zodiac sign symbolically represents: The constellation of Aquarius is considered by astrology as the 11th house of the zodiac. More symbolically, this house evokes lifelong friendships : duration, intensity, important and passing relationships. All these relationships play a leading role in unblocking a situation or awakening consciousness.
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12. What does Uranus represent in a more personalized sky chart: The planet Uranus reigns over innovators, great philosophers, researchers, developers of ideas who go off the beaten track, artists who stand out for their musical style and avant-garde clothing... Does that make you think of Aquarius? It's normal!
In short, where this planet is located in a chart of the sky will indicate to the astrologer in which sector these latter qualities will manifest. Uranus is also the planet of unforeseen changes that turn the wheel of destiny. The lightning of this planet is frightening, but it is especially recognized by astrologers for its powerful power of reproduction, of reconstruction. The astrologer will take care to look carefully at which house this important planet is located in order to better guide the consultant.
13. His greatest weaknesses: His lack of spontaneity often plays tricks on him since people consider him cold and distant when he is not. Also, Aquarius can enter into a struggle with the person who shares his life to establish his power or simply by provocative spirit in order to know the true feelings that the person he loves has for him. In short, his sentimental life is often out of the ordinary and is disrupted by major crises, another form of destructive energy that characterizes his master planet Uranus so well.
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