You are Leo and want to know the influence of your ascendant on your astrological sign? First you can calculate your ascendant. Then select your sign and your ascendant.
Leo rising Aries
You are a determined person (the Sun in the ascendant), ambitious and sentimental. You are surely passionate and you have a thousand talents! Your energy is so powerful that you absolutely have to balance your outbursts so as not to scare others. You can easily go to extremes. That being said, when you take charge of the powerful energy that you know how to project so well, you will settle a lot of karma of repeated bad luck. Your goals are high, perhaps even a little too much on the romantic, professional, artistic, political and social side. Your susceptibility is intense and you don't like having your self-esteem attacked. The pride of Leo meets here the stubbornness of Aries… the challenge of your life will be to learn to calm both, to develop wisdom and maturity. Beware of "delusions of grandeur" and your overly passionate temperament, and you will become larger than life!
Leo rising Taurus
You want more than anything to give yourself a solid foundation: a family, comfort, well-being. The Sun in Leo meets the beautiful Venus in Taurus here. You are a builder. You have a demonstrative temperament, your intellect is brilliant and well embodied. You like it or you don't like it, it's white or black, and you don't go overboard when it comes to speaking your mind. You like to be admired, but for the right reasons. Your integrity is without a doubt your most beautiful business card. Your leadership is unquestionable and undisputed. You even sometimes borrow its theatrical side from humor to assert your point of view or to get your messages across. Your biggest flaw would be the lack of flexibility. Too much pride in your zodiac sign sometimes plays bad tricks on you in your love affairs, your social, friendly or family life.
Leo rising Gemini
You like studies, knowledge, writing. Your communication skills are undeniable. You also like to party, glitz, and you can win almost any heart. The Sun - the star of Leo (because the Sun is a star) gives you the allure of a conqueror and the strategic intelligence of Gemini (Mercury conjunct the Sun) brings nobility to your behavior, reactions or outbursts. In other words, even angry… you are beautiful to see! Not always, but you have enough class not to seek to hurt others with impunity. You tend to want to understand everything, and in every detail, everything that happens. You know how to assert yourself very well and take first place when situations require it. You easily charm those around you. You have mastered the art of public relations.
Lion ascendant Cancer
You want to give birth to a work, to make your creative impulses real. Also, you may overspend or you may tend to "buy" the love of others. Your family becomes your kingdom and your family authority is powerful. You like to decorate your house and make it a place of pleasure – good food, sought-after wine, table always well set with little thoughts for each of your guests and, etc. In short, you are welcoming and receptive, but just as solitary. Strange combination, isn't it? Some family secrets or worries from the family have brought you down to earth. The Sun meets the Moon… your nature is dreamy and introverted. Your worst flaw is that you often act like a spoiled brat and draw attention to your emotions. Your desire for protection is great and you are an incorrigible romantic. An artist at heart, you are inhabited by the fear of shining or of being judged by others. A tendency to withdraw into yourself, to protect yourself, demonstrates great vulnerability.
Lion ascendant Lion
A double Fire inhabits you and this gift of life, you must learn to tame it, to master it, in order to refine your personality and assert yourself better. You surely display a royal look! Your mere presence is impressive! You are a passionate being and you manifest this quality through art or martial arts. Lies and deceit are not part of your vocabulary! But when it's you who use such schemes, it's always for a good cause! If there's anyone loyal in friendship and love, it's you! You hate having to explain everything, it's a waste of your time. The dark side of such power is a certain facility for being arrogant and exaggerating everything. You are a great romantic.
Leo Rising Virgo
You may be suffering from the “faultlessness” syndrome. Quite a weight to bear, you will agree. In short, you do everything in your power and, all the time, not to suffer reproach. Who never suffers a reproach in his life? You are a devoted being, with a big heart on two legs, always anxious to be beyond reproach. Otherwise, you are more discreet and withdrawn and you surely suffer a lot from your condition since Leo likes to shine and your Virgo ascendant resists this possibility. You have all the qualities of the sign of Virgo: a beautiful head inside and out. Your leadership is focused on a job well done. The little methodical and picky side of the Virgin lives in you too. Some of you have surely chosen to express your capacity and potential in residential centers for the elderly, hospitals, prisons or missions such as Doctors Without Borders, etc.
Lion ascendant Balance
Beautiful Venus (Libra) gives you that little je ne sais quoi that you really like! You appreciate social events! You like splendour, beauty, but in its most classic dimension. You like to negotiate or arbitrate, as the case may be, because for you the human factor holds no secrets. You understand quickly and well the issues, the needs of the egos involved and the protocol to be respected. You are the most exteriorized Leo able to bring your warmth to others. You are afraid of feeling rejected. The only problem is that this fear generates your greatest flaw: by dint of being afraid of being rejected, you take all the light and the others do not have the chance to shine and impress you in turn. Thus warned, you will be able to make the necessary changes to recreate a beautiful relational life. You are also a great project initiator. You can show stubbornness (Libra) and a powerful force of character (Leo) and these two forces push you to impose on others.
Lion ascendant Scorpion
You like success and have an influence on society in general. You may be interested in politics. Or you are an activist always ready to go to the barricades to defend the rights of widows and orphans. Otherwise, you work in a company that allows you to express your creativity and your intense personality. Accomplish, achieve, produce, control, develop are just a few action verbs that suit you. You are a dynamic researcher, an outstanding detective, a psychologist, psychoanalyst or psychiatrist very involved in your community. Otherwise, you're doing your job with the sole purpose of getting results, and sometimes that intention plays ugly tricks on you. You are called to take a position of power or authority in life. It appears that you will act with great human skill, which is to your credit. Your loved ones are well aware of your determination which turns too often, and according to your moods, into a kind of domination. In short, you have a little “control freak” side.
Sagittarius Rising Leo
You like to surpass yourself, always go higher and further and, too often, it makes you lose your sense of proportion. In other words, by dint of wanting to push your limits and those of others, you forget the human factor. You have no pity for the weak or for those who do not take themselves in hand in life. You love travel (Sagittarius), but Leo pushes to expand their field of consciousness. So travel should serve personal development. You will never hesitate to push back the frontiers of your identity, to explore truths through knowledge, knowledge, study or exploration. You make an excellent guide, teacher or trainer, adventurer (Sagittarius again). Philosophy, faith that moves mountains, great esoteric knowledge fascinate you enormously. You surely have a taste for travel, for foreign countries, for distant lands. Beware of your tendency to play roles and blame everyone else (Leo) and you will have a happy life.
Lion ascendant Capricorne
From the top of your ivory tower, you eye ordinary mortals, surely wondering why they refuse to take themselves in hand, to get out of their misery, to rise in life? Quite simply because he is not a Capricorn ascendant Leo! Do you understand? You share with Capricorn the same sense of duty, the same powerful ambition, the same determination, the same desire for social and personal, spiritual and moral elevation. You are an aristocrat at heart, a leader of men, a great politician or a great builder. In short, this “aristocratic” character trait is in you and it seems to have taken root. You are looking for perfection and, of course, it does not exist! This incessant quest misleads you because you will never be perfect, and neither will others! Thus warned, you will save yourself from very bad trials of life. You are capable of such detachment that your relatives and friends are often taken aback. Leo's big heart and generosity will always save you the day.
Leo rising Aquarius
Aquarius is energized here by the solar power of Leo. By solar power, astrology means the strength of character, the inherent know-how of Leo and its ability to handle difficulties. Except that the pride here is multiplied by two! Pride is therefore your cute sin. Pride kills its master… did you know that? It kills in the sense that you may have lost loved ones to it, opportunities to get emotionally involved in romantic relationships and see them through, chances to find love. By raising your head too high, you forget to pour out your heart to the world, and it is for this reason that you suffer so much from loneliness and a serious lack of love. Thus warned, you are now able to come down from your pedestal to put yourself in tune with others. Sometimes you have to reduce yourself just like a great chef reduces the sauce to give it more body and taste. This picture is worth a thousand words! Of all the Leos, you are surely the most individualistic, and that's not a fault. We would all benefit from being a little more, but if it is pushed to the extreme this same quality becomes a defect.
Leo rising Pisces
The natural benevolence of Pisces makes you a sensitive and naturally empathetic being. But, because there is a but, you happen to be excessively opportunistic. The need for personal affirmation is very powerful here. You are a creative being coupled with a rather surprising power of realization. In fact, you always give of yourself with passion. You constantly check the limits (which is very Pisces) of your creativity, the borders of your deep being since spirituality surely plays a first role in your life. The Leo is proud and you carry this pride like a banner. In other words, you often mix pride and love… “I'm proud of you, of my work, of my life”, but what happens when the other doesn't make you proud? How do you react? You know it now, in short, you have been warned, all you have to do is act accordingly to undo this bad relational karma which has surely isolated you from others, from love, from friendship or from family, sometimes. You do not lack audacity, generosity and loyalty in life. Too directive, your authority can be annoying sometimes.
See also the other ascendants:
- The ascendants of Aries
- The ascendants of Taurus
- Gemini ascendants
- The ascendants of Cancer
- The ascendants of Virgo
- The ascendants of Libra
- The ascendants of Scorpio
- The ascendants of Sagittarius
- The ascendants of Capricorn
- The ascendants of Aquarius
- The ancestors of Pisces
To learn more about the Lion:
- 13 things to know about Leo
- Video: the whole truth about Leo
- Lion Quiz