The first full moon of 2020 will take place this January 10, at 14:21 p.m. (Quebec time). Since a lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon (unlike the solar eclipse, the new moon), we will also be entitled to this event. But wait a minute! And the planetary transit - a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto – January 12, in there? Phew, things will happen this weekend! Find out how it will affect you...
Do not panic, let's go gradually and in the order of the normal course of things! So, let's start by "tacking" this full moon and lunar eclipse on Friday January 10th. A little interesting fact, by the way: know that there will be 13 full moons in 2020, and not 12. Indeed, according to the calendar of the next full moons, there will be two in October: the 1st, then the 31st. We bet that the werewolf costume will be very popular on Halloween this year!
A very emotional January 10
This Friday's lunar eclipse, in conjunction with the first full moon of the year, will be a very "motherly" one. What does that mean, exactly? Well, it means that you may feel the need to spend time at home this weekend and/or with your family. Cocooning on the couch or lying in bed, reading a novel that has been tempting you for a while but for which you never seem to find the time, family board game night, etc., you get the idea! Experts say this specific lunar eclipse will have you questioning the balance between your family life and your career…
If the eclipse isn't one to affect you, that's good, we have some suggestions for outings!
A reconstructive January 12
The end of the weekend will present you with a completely different scenario, when a planetary transit will take place, precisely a conjunction, a very special "match" having as "players" the planets Saturn and Pluto. For your information, a conjunction is the alignment of two planets at the same degree of the zodiac. The alignment of Saturn and Pluto is special please! It occurs approximately every 32 to 38 years.
What should that mean to you, personally? Experts say this conjunction will encourage you to move on from things you've already given too much of your all for and there's no point spending more time and energy on them... If something just doesn't work for you as much as "vibrate" and its presence in your life even becomes toxic (a romantic or friendly relationship, a job, your house that no longer suits you, etc.), this event of January 12 could well give you the little boost necessary foot in the right place to push you to move and say "bye bye"!
Mercury's moods in 2020
In closing, it is impossible to ignore the times of the year when Mercury will be in retrograde, because hey, we like to know that and prepare for it! So there are three phases to watch out for:
- February 16 to March 9
- 18 juin au 12 juillet
- October 13 to November 3
With that, we wish you a beautiful, emotionally and astrologically charged weekend!
Psitt: to know everything about the astrological events of 2020 and have all your predictions, discover our Astro forecasts 2020 series with our astrologer Ginette Blais.
(source : cosmopolitan.com)