It's the time of year when we must let the magic of Christmas into our hearts... and our homes! And who says holiday decorationsSays Christmas tree! As you may have noticed, each festive tree says a lot about the person who decorated it. No matter what your tree will look like this year, you may not have the one you need...depending on the stars.
But fear not, we're here to tell you what the cosmos has in store for you this year. Without further ado, discover what is the ideal Christmas tree for you according to your astrological sign.
1. Aries
See this post on InstagramA post shared by Big Building Blocks (@gigibloks) on Dec. 21 at 2018:1 PST
Minimalism is in the spotlight with this Christmas tree for Aries and its legendary discretion. The major advantage of this original DIY work? It leaves no thorns on the ground!
2. Taurus
See this post on InstagramA post shared by The Christmas Fairy (@the_christmas_fairy) on Sep 21, 2019 at 4:34 am PDT
The Taurus in you definitely knows what they want and how to get it. And for Christmas, what do you need? A tree for superheroes who have a forehead all around their heads, of course!
3. Gemini
See this post on InstagramA publication shared by Jeana | HotCocoaReads (@hotcocoareads) Feb 23 2019 at 8:14 PST
Gemini is recognized as a sign with great intellectual abilities, which likes to browse from one idea to another. That's why he needs a tree made of books, 365 days a year.
4. Cancer
See this post on InstagramA post shared by The Christmas Fairy (@the_christmas_fairy) on Sep 21, 2019 at 4:32 am PDT
Everyone thinks that the Cancer being is very discreet, trying to blend in with the colors of the walls. It's true... except when it comes time to decorate for Christmas! Her sensitive side just can't resist the magical magic of the holidays, and her childish heart suddenly rebounds. After the Christmas elves... here comes the infamous Christmas elf tree!
5. Lion
See this post on InstagramA post shared by Turtle Creek Lane (@turtlecreeklane) on Oct 9, 2019 at 1:58 AM PDT
Leo is a sign full of bite, so why not completely assume this year, with this tree made of candies? You will be able to impress your guests and be the star of the holiday season.
6. Virgin
See this post on InstagramA post shared by Santa Claus (@santaclaus_________) on Oct 18, 2019 at 7:28 AM PDT
Conscientious Virgo is synonymous with good taste. Perfection, order and harmony must reign in the house, regardless of the time of year. That's why this chic, good-looking Christmas tree will be ideal for making the holiday magic work!
7 Balance
See this post on InstagramA post shared by JEREMY & LARISSA (@pageandpine) on Oct 1, 2019 at 4:48 AM PDT
Libra's mystery is even expressed in their choice of Christmas tree. Those who can often be indecisive when making choices find harmony within themselves thanks to the simplicity of this ultra-zen little holiday plant, adorned with its most inspiring positive thoughts.
8. Scorpio
See this post on InstagramA post shared by PropMasters (@propmasters.nl) on Dec. 21 at 2018:6 a.m. PST
When the dark side and the festive side of Scorpio meet, let's say it gives a tree a little out of season! But fans of The Nightmare Before Christmas know that Tim Burton's universe is a classic that will never go out of style...even if it's not for everyone who will appreciate it.
9. Sagittarius
See this post on InstagramA post shared by Our Farmhouse In The City (@our_farmhouse_in_the_city) on Oct 11, 2019 at 6:33 AM PDT
Idealistic Sagittarius loves when the Christmas spirit brings inner comfort and family harmony that connects them to their roots. That's why this warm tree will warm his heart during this time of year.
10. Capricorn
See this post on InstagramA post shared by Monkey (@monkey_and_co) on Dec. 25 at 2018:12 PST
Capricorn is an affectionate person who likes to feel good about himself. What could be better than a tree with unicorns to make this festive period as magical as it should be? The cute little dog is optional!
11. Aquarius
See this post on InstagramA post shared by miniatures by Yulia Goenko (@underumbrelland) on Jan 6, 2019 at 7:00 am PST
Aquarius is a being of paradox. She sometimes likes to pretend to be something she is not. However, the holiday season is ideal for her to reconnect with her true nature as a sensitive person. It will finally be able to rediscover its essence, all provoking kinship, with a tree full of simplicity that upsets conventions.
12. Pisces
See this post on InstagramA post shared by Bunny Smith (@hellobunnysmith) on Dec. 23 at 2018:3 PST
The little mermaid of the zodiac is a dreamer who does not lack poetry. Its creative side must take all the place during the Christmas period. That's why she needs a tree that's both unique and pretty, like this pretty couture mannequin specially decorated for the occasion.
So, did the stars know how to read between the branches of your ideal tree?
The important thing is to be well surrounded during this time, no matter our decor!