Know what a personal year 2 holds

In the same logical continuum as the first personal year, year 2 will be the one where you will feed your projects to bring them closer to maturity. Exit excessive euphoria. At this stage, you will need to show a certain sense of proportion, but also an unfailing determination to overcome the first difficulties that you will encounter. In effect, personal year 2 will be more interpersonally and emotionally eventful. Confrontations can arise with sometimes their share of frustration. After the spirit of attack of the personal year 1, the year 2 will give way to compromise and consensus. You aim for slow but steady growth. On your side, arm yourself with patience and tact to achieve your goals. This implies a certain sensitivity, even a vulnerability, which some will try to avoid, wrongly.
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Personal year 2: Consolidate the achievements of the first personal year
Personal year number 2 will be punctuated by cooperation, partnership, creativity, peace, harmony and peaceful coexistence. It will require more stability and balance from you, both in your professional and private life. You will relearn how to weigh the pros and cons to assess the opportunities in each situation. During this year, it is likely that you will find yourself in configurations contrary to those you expected. However, it is necessary to experience it in order to aspire to balance. How during the first personal year, this period is conducive to making important decisions. Do not hesitate to consult your partner or your best friend in a logic of cooperation and coordination. Do not completely abandon your intuition, it will be of some use to you.
If you changed jobs, moved, or made major new commitments during the first personal year of the cycle, you are now in the stabilization and continuity stage. You need to start to feel comfortable with these changes and to integrate into your new surroundings, if any. You may feel some remorse that will push you to reconsider certain decisions made during the beginning of the cycle, but more often, your fears will be based on emotional weaknesses that will have to be mastered in order to continue to progress. All the emotional, physical and financial fluctuations that you will experience will be an additional motivation to aspire this year to a more balanced and less prone to risk life.
Year 2: compromise and mediation
The personal year 2 also calls for fusion, both in love and in professional life. It might be time to boost your receptivity to everlasting romance, trust your best friend a little more, or welcome a new business partner to your company. You must learn to give to others: it is a tremendous catalyst for well-being, especially in a personal year that calls for collaboration and cooperation. In the same logic, this personal year may give rise to negotiations of any kind. You will be called upon to compromise rather than be firm. You yourself may take on the role of mediator. Calm and diplomatic, you will show better self-control. The emotions that usually overwhelm you in such circumstances will no longer handicap you. You will also learn how to defuse the most uncomfortable situations with tact and kindness.
Patience and tolerance for a year of stability
As you will have understood, patience will play a decisive role in this phase. If you do not temper your appetite for success, you will miss the most important signals of this year which require composure and composure. Slowing down is not failing. You can back up to jump better. Don't forget that certain pathologies can appear if you refuse to take the time to allow your body to regenerate and readjust.
Become aware of your life goals during this year of confirmation. Work on your self-control and try your hand at teamwork. If you're used to riding solo, getting to others will take a bit more effort. Yet it is a necessary "evil" to approach the rest of the cycle of personal years in the best possible conditions. Expanding your social circle will be of great help to you during the periods of doubt and questioning which will tend to multiply during the second personal year. It is likely that you will be asked to play a leading role in a group or on the occasion of a partnership. You will learn from others, others will learn from you.
In short, the purpose of this second personal year is clear it will be for you to master the communication and the exchanges with the others whatever the perspectives and in all the circumstances. Find the right balance between aggressiveness and passivity.
Find the meaning of the other personal years:
- Personal Year 1
- Personal Year 3
- Personal Year 4
- Personal Year 5
- Personal Year 6
- Personal Year 7
- Personal Year 8
- Personal Year 9