Know what a personal year 4 holds
The first third of your 9-year cycle has ended. Place in the second. The personal year 4 is centered around three main notions:
- Le sens de l'initiative "intelligent";
- The ability to build;
- Order and pragmatism.
At the start of this second third of your 9-year cycle, you will have to awaken your Cartesian mind, your sense of pragmatism and your ability to concentrate. The devil is in the details; you will have the proof of this during the personal year number 4.
Your determination and motivation will continue to be your best assets. After a first third rich in projects, you may have accumulated some frustrations due to certain failures. It's time to evacuate them to focus on the right tracks. Stay flexible and be receptive to all the opportunities your environment offers you. When compared to the years that preceded it, the 4 is rather slow and sluggish. Here, no frantic series, but rather a long evolution and a lot of constancy. Year 4 will give you a break: it's the perfect time to dust off the projects you've put aside until now.. On the organizational level, do not neglect the small tasks that free your mind: take the time to sort your administrative documents, throw away the paperwork you no longer need, clean the house.
Personal Year 4: Acquiring the emotional intelligence you lack
As the year progresses, you need to develop a clear and focused vision of what you want to achieve professionally. Make a firm commitment to achieve it, in front of your loved ones if necessary. Warning: you must not be unrealistic. Be kind to yourself and don't set the bar too high. Avoid going too hard, too fast. Otherwise, you will be frustrated and finish the 4th personal year on a bad note. Feel free to review and change your priorities throughout the year. Do not see this as a failure, but rather as a necessary adaptation effort.
Year 4 reacts favorably to the force of the will but also to the authenticity of your feelings. The denial of your frustrations imprisons your will and prevents you from progressing. The will feeds on reality, even if the latter can hurt. Your emotional range is ultimately just a natural response to reality. Of course, you may want to keep your feelings to yourself if the circumstances call for a show of stability and strength. However, in the long term, success will depend on your ability to fully assume your feelings but also to acquire the emotional intelligence necessary to express them in the best possible way.
Year 4: The year of purposeful and intelligent change
The slowness of the 4th personal year will also be effective on a personal level. Your loved ones will be grateful, sometimes admiring, for your accomplishments. They will show you all the support you were hoping for. Take advantage of this year to make the changes you feel are necessary in your hearth and home. In general, everything that displeases you in your daily life will have to be reviewed during the personal year 4.
The "good" energy, the one that allows you to carry out your projects, needs a specific, realistic and clear goal to act. Good energy is easily channeled. It responds best to routine (or regularity), efficiency, order and organization. During this year, you will have limits that will be difficult to cross. Accept this state of affairs and delay. If you feel frustrated with the restrictions imposed by your environment, remember that the very essence of human will is acceptance. The best personal year 4 quote comes to us from American actress Helen Hayes: “Now is not the time to cling to what was, but to change what is”. To meditate !
More strategic, less operational
During personal year number 3, you learned the virtues of optimism. The three years of the first third of your cycle have taught you to trust your instincts and not suppress your urges for change. Personal year number 4 will help you develop your ability to set a course, to put in place the main orientations for the years to come.. To use the terminology of the business world, we can say that you are no longer just operational. You are now able to work from a strategic perspective by setting up objectives to be achieved over the long term. Once you have accepted the immutable limits imposed on you by this 4th personal year, you will gain in lucidity and realism. You will have a better chance of shaping your reality.
Find the meaning of the other personal years:
- Personal Year 1
- Personal Year 2
- Personal Year 3
- Personal Year 5
- Personal Year 6
- Personal Year 7
- Personal Year 8
- Personal Year 9