Know what a personal year 5 holds
Richard Buckminster graced us with a beautiful tirade that perfectly sums up the drawing of the personal year number 5. This architect, designer, inventor, writer and American futurist published more than 30 books, inventing or popularizing terms like "earth vessel “, “ephemeralization” or even “synergy”. Buckminster wrote, “You never change things by fighting existing reality. To change something, build a new model that will make the existing model obsolete”.
And this is precisely what will happen in the 5th personal year. Your thirst for freedom and exotic adventures will have to be satisfied, otherwise you will not be able to carry out the current projects. See the 5th year as an exotic parenthesis, as a patchwork of new experiences. As the old saying goes, “freedom defined is freedom denied”. This will never have been truer than at this time in your 9 year cycle.
The 5th year is the one that cuts the cycle into two equal parts. It is therefore the year of transition. If you reach 5 after calculating your personal year, take the time to take stock of the previous 4 years and then list the projects in progress. You will then be able to approach this pivotal year with peace of mind, knowing full well what you have to accomplish next.
The personal year 5: looking behind to better move forward
5 is the number of diversity, travel and discovery. It is also the number of change, chance, belief systems, the sudden, the unexpected and the unusual. As you will have understood, the 5th personal year will bring you its share of surprises. To deal with it, remember the following: awareness in true reality is the best safeguard in this exciting but unpredictable time.
You are now halfway through the full 9-year cycle. Whatever the content, the first 4 years are behind you. The last 4 years are ahead of you. The 5th personal year is a rearview mirror: it allows you to look behind to better move forward. Prepare for a substantial change in your life. Those who fear risk can experience this mutation through a series of small changes that will gradually lead to a whole new way of life and then to a new understanding of life itself.
Personal Year 5: The Widest and Busiest Road
The main challenge you will encounter during the 5th Personal Year will be to distinguish your true desires from your fleeting whims. To do this, rely on your experience of the previous 4 years and carry out deep introspective work. Don't fall into the trap of exhaustiveness: don't seize all the opportunities available to you. Otherwise, you will be confused. It will limit your ability to focus on what really matters. You then take the risk of giving your attention to your fads and whims of the moment by abandoning what can improve your existence.
Numerology often makes use of comparisons. If one were to approximate the personal years to a concrete road, the 5th year would be the widest and busiest; the one with the most crossroads. The majority of drivers are looking for a change of direction. Without a set goal and without a sense of direction, accidents happen, people get lost and find themselves in places they didn't want. That being said, keep in mind that even the best plans can change. Your hard-earned flexibility during the first 4 years of your cycle will be of great help to you again this year.
The design year par excellence
Each of the 12 months of the 5th personal year will be an opportunity to become aware of an error in progress or a time-consuming project that does not come to fruition. Take the opportunity to adjust what needs to be adjusted and to abandon what no longer makes sense. You will gradually free up your time and channel your energy better. Learn to relax again. Develop your ability to detach yourself from reality to breathe. This powerful sense of stillness in your bubble will help you do what you have to do regardless of outside circumstances. The vibrations of the 5th personal year are favorable to reproduction in its primary sense..
This year lends itself perfectly to conception: that of a child, that of an idea, a plan… This year will also be that of your body. She will remind you, through subtle signals, that he supports you in everything you do. This will be an opportunity to take care of it, to heal it and then to strengthen it. Be aware of your physical abilities and work to improve the comfort of your body.
Find the meaning of the other personal years:
- Personal Year 1
- Personal Year 2
- Personal Year 3
- Personal Year 4
- Personal Year 6
- Personal Year 7
- Personal Year 8
- Personal Year 9