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Numbers influence our personality, our behavior and our relationships with others. Our name as well as all of our first names (even a nickname), in the same way as our date of birth, have an essential impact on all aspects of our lives.
By learning Numerology, learn at the same time to decode these vibrations and determine the strengths and potentials linked to your first name.
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Decode Active Number
Many calculations are possible to highlight all the facets of our character. From the letters of the surnames and first names, only one of the two, initials, consonants or vowels, etc. Each Number has importance and makes it possible to refine a numerological analysis in a precise and personalized way.
Le Active Number is the reduced sum of all the letters of the usual given name or first given name. It translates our faculty of expression in a fairly personal, friendly or family context (i.e. among those who are close to us and identify us mainly by our first name). This Number greatly influences our personality and trace them outline of our identity.
Make the right choice for your baby
The choice of the child's first name is of major importance. Beyond the desire to include it in the family line or to want to stand out by showing originality, this choice influences the personality and destiny of your baby. So why not determine his Active Number to discover your child's character?
Thanks to the letter-number correspondence table, do the calculation yourself and then discover the 9 main vibrations revealed to you by the numbers :
1 – Independence, trust, decision, command.
2 – Gentleness, friendship, sensitivity, dependence.
3 – Optimism, sociability, communication, extroversion.
4 – Work, patience, organization, precision.
5 – Curiosity, change, travel, excitement.
6 – Love, fidelity, family, community.
7 – The spirit of analysis, reflection, determination, introversion.
8 – Ambition, power, materiality, money.
9 – Humanity, generosity, compassion, idealism.
Thanks to Numerology, your first name, mirror of your personality, no longer holds any secrets for you!
Want to learn more about numerology? Here are some topics that will interest you:
- The meaning of the main numbers
- What are the basics of numerology?
- How to know your life path?
- Introduction to Karmic Numerology
- Calculation method to calculate your expression number