You are Sagittarius and want to know the influence of your ascendant on your astrological sign? First you can calculate your ascendant. Then select your sign and your ascendant.
Sagittarius rising Aries
Jupiter meets Mars… desire to travel, endless and ardent spiritual quest, desire to know and know, artistic will, combative philosophy with too many intellectual and religious convictions and fervor. The heart remains young, the attitude is sometimes naive or arrogant. You have to find your balance in life. In addition, you are a fervent defender of rights and freedoms. Surely, a liberal job would fit you like a glove. You want to assert yourself and leave your mark on the world. You are a pioneer in your sphere of activity or you are a hard-working self-employed person. Your level of culture is high and you don't always show it. A real bear trap! What you love above all is freedom...
Sagittarius rising Taurus
Venus (Taurus) meets the lucky and wonderful Jupiter (Sagittarius) here. The pleasures of life, you know it! You like discovery, great lessons, knowledge in general and culture. Besides, you are known to be someone to cultivate in life. Your way of thinking precisely disturbs the right-thinking. In this sense, you like to disturb. Taurus makes you less sociable (sometimes you prefer to be alone and feel good), but Sagittarius' cheerful and eternally youthful nature of character encourages you to go outside and play. You are much more reasonable than the average person. Jupiter adores everything that comes or comes from abroad and you surely like to travel. The strokes of luck will always be present in your life.
Sagittarius ascendant Gemini
Great Jupiter (Sagittarius) meets Mercury (Gemini) in this planetary association. You like travel and knowledge, general culture, and in your case it is true that travel forges your youth of mind. You sometimes lack seriousness and you have to be wary of your jokes, which sometimes go beyond the limits. Clever, adaptable, you remain a top extrovert. Wherever you hang your hat, you feel at home. On the other hand, you show such a desire for independence that you are sometimes difficult to follow or to satisfy. Sagittarius (Jupiter) likes to dive into the depths and Gemini (Mercury Air) loves to wade on the surface. So the teachings that Gemini integrates are supported by Sagittarius which gives them depth and meaning.
Sagittarius Rising Cancer
You continually question your foundations, or you want to find the Grail, a reassuring truth or faith. Your foundations seem set on quicksand and comfort always seems to elude you. In short, your search for well-being is constantly changing. Your mood swings are surprising. You may suffer from emotional pride and be unwilling to vent your emotions for fear of being judged or accused of weakness. Childhood may hold some important secrets or dramas that you will have to learn to deal with and unravel as well. You like to make new sexual or romantic experiences. You may feel like a stranger to your family, your environment, or you feel like you belong on another planet! So you sometimes ask yourself: “what the hell am I doing here, in this world, with its people or in this job? The movement of your inner self leads you to seek knowledge.
Sagittarius rising Leo
You like to surpass yourself, always go higher and further and, too often, this makes you lose your sense of proportion. In other words, by dint of wanting to push your limits and those of others, you forget the human factor. You have no pity for the weak or for those who do not take themselves in hand in life. You love travel (Sagittarius), but Leo pushes to expand their field of consciousness. So travel should serve personal development. You will never hesitate to push back the frontiers of your identity, to explore truths through knowledge, knowledge, study or exploration. You make an excellent guide, teacher or trainer, adventurer (Sagittarius again). Philosophy, faith that moves mountains, great esoteric knowledge fascinate you enormously. You surely have a taste for travel, for foreign countries, for distant lands. Beware of your tendency to play roles and blame everyone else (Leo) and you will have a happy life.
Sagittarius rising Virgo
You have come to fulfill yourself financially and materially. You are looking for success, it is visceral for you! By success, astrology points to love, family and friends since Sagittarius loves to surround himself with people he loves and appreciates. Your loved ones, however, must possess a vivacious, open, and fired intellect or you will drop out soon enough. You will experience many areas before you find the WAY. You can also accomplish yourself in a more modest area and serve the poorest with great dedication. Sagittarius is the knight of the zodiac, always ready to wield the sword to defend the oppressed, always in search of the truth. Many of you have left a resounding success to embrace a more “humanitarian” or missionary career. Your sign of Virgo leads you to plan everything and in every detail your projects, your life or your future. Your realism can be cold and detached, which, of course, complicates your romantic relationships.
Sagittarius rising Libra
The Libra sign always feels pushed outside of their comfort zone in this astral combination. You look great, you are bursting with energy and aesthetics, aesthetics and art or all forms of art will lead you to the gates of success. You like great knowledge, feed your intellect and acquire a lot of knowledge or studies, but you will have to put them to good use one day or another, which is never an easy task for you. Elegance, a taste for exoticism, and your multiple aptitudes have forged your personality since your earliest childhood. The Libra ascendant makes you appreciate worldliness better. You are always on the move, ready to jump at the chance to stand out, to take a place of choice in your sector of activity. Social events (Venus) are surely numerous and you often get lost in this thrilling life.
Sagittarius rising Scorpio
Your outbursts are legendary or they are certainly talking about them! There is not much difference between Sagittarius Rising Scorpio and Scorpio Rising Sagittarius. You are dynamic and you have a lot of physical, moral and psychological resistance. You always want to go after everything even if it means getting your feet wet. Your fervor pushes you towards controversy and sometimes fanaticism. Your intuitions are premonitory. Your adventurous soul can lead you to the worst swamps as well as to the highest peaks like Everest - so you are often overwhelmed by the desire to live dangerous experiences. Fans of extreme sports are served with such a boost! Your very competitive nature can annoy sometimes. You like to move or move things, events or people. When you can't control everything, then you come to hate the “human factor” — those human weaknesses that prevent things or events from happening. Your sweeping declarations, so typical of Sagittarius, draw attention to you, but Scorpio silences you — they make you feel deeply about not revealing yourself too much in the light of day. The less demonstrative nature of Sagittarius provokes the secretive Scorpio!
Sagittarius Rising Sagittarius
You don't lack self-confidence! This doublet makes you a lucky person in life. Lucky in the sense that something or someone always happens to get you out of trouble at the most opportune time: a hand that is extended at the right time, a money move that happens point-blank, a turning point in destiny that will ultimately turn out to be luck in disguise and, etc. You might have a penchant for hunting, archery (very Sagittarius), artillery, safaris, horse riding, sports in general. In short, you have talent in this sense. If you didn't know that already, you've been warned! All you have to do is take a first step towards this kind of physical activity. Otherwise, you are an artist at heart and you exude talent. You have an optimism and a will to conquer that often goes beyond understanding. Your challenge in this life is to calm this powerful energy to be able to achieve what you would like to achieve, produce, do or develop. You can be very demanding and impose a kind of “tyranny” on others.
Sagittarius ascending Capricorn
Here, Capricorn extinguishes the boldness of Sagittarius a little. This does not prevent you from being as ambitious and determined as Capricorn, but you do so if there is a cause to defend, if the widow and the orphan are in danger, if an investigation must be carried out. You also possess a moral force that surpasses understanding. You are a missionary at heart, a being who easily turns to the misfortune of others or the mental, physical or moral illness that affects them on a deeper level. Culture, travel, politics, philosophy, spirituality, and, etc., are professional possibilities that would open your arms wide. The Capricorn ascendant brings you great intellectual rigor, a sense of organization and stunning leadership!
Sagittarius rising Aquarius
Aquarius brings you a militant, sociable, zealous spirit, in addition to bringing you the soul of an explorer, a traveler. You hate that people put limits on you or hinder your walk towards the future (the planet Uranus is responsible for this state of being). You like the great intellectual and philosophical currents. You are the reformer type too. A little too much sometimes, and people can't always follow you. Your talents as instructors and facilitators or sociologists are exceptional. Easily enthusiastic, you often express yourself in a good mood. Your energy is radiant. Outdoor life takes precedence over family life. You are an entrepreneur at heart. Aquarius is able to make friends, develop a large social network and shine in society. You benefit from its ascendancy over the world. Have a good time!
Sagittarius rising Pisces
Your temperament is emotional, inspired, and you know how to improvise to get out of any embarrassment or difficulty. You easily take the defense of the most disadvantaged. Your premonitory power is powerful. The benevolence of the Pisces ascendant pushes you to open up to others. Sagittarius' more energetic and persuasive demeanor makes you more of a go-getter, more determined, and always ready to commit. The warrior side of Sagittarius sometimes disturbs or insecure your Pisces side, which prefers to please, be unanimous and stay in its comfort zone. However, the unpredictability of Pisces makes Sagittarius lose its footing. In short, you are an energetic personality capable of moving mountains! Of course, this is just a metaphor for demonstrating your power over matter when you get involved, whether you choose to jump into action or commit.
See also the other ascendants:
- The ascendants of Aries
- The ascendants of Taurus
- Gemini ascendants
- The ascendants of Cancer
- The ascendants of Leo
- The ascendants of Virgo
- The ascendants of Libra
- The ascendants of Scorpio
- The ascendants of Capricorn
- The ascendants of Aquarius
- The ancestors of Pisces
More articles on Sagittarius:
- 13 things to know about Sagittarius
- Video: the whole truth about Sagittarius