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2015 Numerology for AP 2
In 2015, you will have to hold on and be very patient, because there will be an air of cyclothymia that will blow over your life. You are going to surf on irregular waves, but what will matter most in your life is the relationship. You will pay a lot of attention to human relationships, both emotionally and professionally. Your determination to go after your ideas will be stronger than the obstacles that will stand in your way, and there are many of them. Your best weapons? A keen sense of diplomacy, discretion, availability and a sense of listening.
2015 predictions for the AP 3
If you will experience a rather difficult start to 2015, things could improve around July. Everything is therefore possible. The year will be pleasant in its second half, and you will have to be there to enjoy it. In any case, this year foresees a rather upward evolution, the next few days announce new encounters, new horizons or quite simply a new start... Be careful all the same with your finances and your sudden appetite for going out! And the better you manage the sensitivity of others, the more you will promote your own development. The year 2015 is above all the year of artists and creators. So give free rein to your creative spirit and develop your abilities on the sidelines of your work.
2015 predictions for the AP 4
In 2015, you are being asked for a lot of effort, rigour, but also a good dose of organization and wisdom. This year, you will have opportunities to consolidate your achievements, but also to maintain the fragile balance of your couple. Do not miss them ! The vibrations will be somewhat complicated, but you will come out a winner by putting all your seriousness and generosity into the effort. In 2015, you are given all the means to achieve your various goals and flourish, but be careful not to compromise everything with the aggressiveness and arrogance that are never far away.
2015 Numerology for AP 5
Expect change and a lot of movement in 2015. You will rather let yourself be carried away by events, without falling into haste. You'll be in demand as the party gets into full swing in your life, but don't forget to manage your personal freedom, improve your adaptability, and let your natural curiosity run wild. On the sentimental level, you will be asked to adopt new habits to reinvent your life together. If you should have everything within reach, however, beware of excesses and abuses of all kinds which could have unfortunate consequences at home. Keep an eye out for addictions (alcohol and gambling, in particular).
2015 predictions for the AP 6
This year, the stars seem well aligned, there will be many events in your life, but the ball is really in your court and it will be up to you to play. Voluntarism will apply. 2015 endows you with the duo of diplomacy and the power of achievement to go after your dreams. This year will be placed under the sign of responsibility and obligations at all levels, but also of harmony and professional success. Priority will however be given to love and family life. Marriage or divorce at the rendezvous, depending on the situation experienced in previous years. If you are currently leading a single life, a happy surprise awaits you at the end of the summer!
2015 predictions for the AP 7
This year, anticipation and commitment will play their part. We recommend that you make a clean sweep of the past, it's time for reflection, patience and questioning to open a new chapter in your life and boost your chances of success! Don't be afraid of the unexpected, it will in any case be less likely to surprise you since you will have gotten far ahead of the present and anticipated the future. You will work tirelessly to get out of material discomfort.
2015 Numerology for AP 8
The number of the year 2015 is 8. An eternal restart! A cycle that ends and another that begins. You will have energy to spare, but will reap the rewards if only you use it wisely. Regularity in effort… this will be your main challenge this year. Watch out for the return of the boomerang: 2015 will be a double-edged sword, it is capable of offering you the best as well as the worst. But it will all depend on how you deal with your past and your present.
2015 predictions for the AP 9
We are coming to the end of the present cycle. It is therefore time to take stock and make the transition! It will therefore be necessary to clean up and question your life at all levels to start afresh. The counters are reset to zero. Success and realization of old projects in sight for some, major changes, sometimes painful but essential, will occur in the lives of others. Love life will not be a long calm river, but you will gain more by controlling your agitation and your anxieties.