The year of Water Tiger begins on February 1, 2022 with the Chinese New Year, and ends on the evening of January 31, 2023.
Here are general annual predictions, as well as those for the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey.
General Chinese forecast for the year 2022
We will use our skills and talents to achieve great things during the course of the year 2022. We will not lack tenacity, scope and good ideas, confidence and will to succeed in our lives, find a job , get married, make more money, create a home, have children or demonstrate our artistic know-how and shine on the boards.
People who work in politics will not be left out since important and major changes will occur and change the course of their destiny. However, the successes as well as the losses of power will be spectacular!
Stunning, surprising, astonishing (at the limit, a little crazy) events will make the headlines. The unexpected will therefore be there in 2022. We will hear about horror stories like other sex scandals, domestic and family violence and more. Social violence which, far from subsiding, will affect all levels of society. For example, the most cruel, evil, evil, malicious, malevolent, evil, evil, sadistic, and vicious individuals will be discovered in the most bizarre and unexpected ways. That is why we will hear about things that will be beyond our understanding this year. Think of the craziest thing that could happen and the reality will exceed your imagination!
In summary, the year of the water tiger will offer us golden opportunities to be able to stand out, to hit the mark, to develop projects, to earn large amounts of money or to rebuild our financial health, to seize unique opportunities on the fly, to be recognized or known in the strangest and most unexpected way. The Water Tiger suggests that many shipwrecks or major floods would be possible (British Columbia already suffered a major state of emergency in November 2021). All this will trigger important awareness here and in the world. Unfortunately, we will witness the outbreak of other viruses that will emanate from the water.
All trades directly or indirectly related to water: river and maritime trade, flora and marine species, fish farming, etc., will develop new markets that are both sustainable and lucrative. Drinking water is increasingly threatened, according to the planet Neptune, and the development and treatment of water will often be talked about this year.
The 3 luckiest signs this year: the Horse, the Dog and the Pig (the Tiger remains very lucky, of course).
Happy New Year of the Tiger!
Love for the sign of the Monkey
Here is a year where you will receive several gallant invitations. Or a new love will take you out of your comfort zone in many ways. The extravagance or the strangeness or the madness of a friend or loved one will destabilize you to the point where you will cut ties with this person.
Work and money for the sign of the Monkey
You will put a lot of energy into improving your technical and technological know-how or you will look for new professional, artistic, commercial or business skills. New projects will emerge, including one in particular in which you will invest a good part of your savings. You will see unforeseen, surprising, staggering, astonishing conflicts and problems emerge within the work team.
In the same breath, you could decide to start your own business or give it a new vocation. Stay away from risky speculation, be on the lookout for the slightest fluctuations in the market, and you will grow your financial and material assets to a level never before achieved. When you start looking for new customers, they will answer the call. What year!
Consult all the contents of Ginette Blais, our astrologer.