Alert. You are getting married this summer? Or have you just been asked THE question and are you already preparing for the big day? It doesn't matter: now is a good time to see who, among your loved ones, could pay homage to you with a speech both moving, funny and full of hope. If you have trouble connecting, here are the 2 astrological signs experts in the matter... and those who struggle a little more!
There's always that person at a wedding reception who tries to be a comedian. Then, there is the one who is so moved at the moment that all the guests struggle to understand her words delivered drop by drop through a torrent of tears! However, the palm of the worst speech deliverer at a wedding goes to the bitter person, the one who would like to be the star of this very special day... The one who, with a few drinks in the nose, goes there with embarrassing anecdotes about the bride and groom , convinced that everyone is screwing up, and doesn't realize that the guests are actually uncomfortable. Uncomfortable for her, not for the newlyweds… Fortunately, to save all the others, there is also the person who knows how to find the right words and deliver them in an effective and touching way. This person is probably a native of one of these two astrological signs!
Gemini (May 21 to June 21)
As a great communicator, the Gemini woman loves to give a speech especially during an event as important as a wedding. She wants to add her little grain of salt to the celebration of your happiness so much that she even expects you to ask her to say a few words when "D" comes. Well, know that if you do, you can completely trust him and you won't be disappointed! His speech will be concise and short, but touching. The Gemini woman has this gift of making unifying remarks that everyone can identify with.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
She is a romantic, the Aquarius woman, and it is often said that her emotions are on edge… However, she is an expert in the art of controlling her emotional "outbursts" when necessary! Then, if your choice stops on her to give a speech at your wedding, you will see that the little nostalgic aspect of her person will serve you greatly. Indeed, she will be able to fish here and there in her memories to describe tasty anecdotes – but relatable for ears of all ages – linked to your love story. With the Aquarius woman, a well-balanced mix of laughter and tears is to be expected!
For fun, in order to tease them a bit, let's now look at the three zodiac signs who may have a little less skill at giving wedding speeches… But hey, they're super endearing nonetheless!
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
The Aries woman and her big mouth – because it is very difficult to dissociate them from each other – love to tease you! According to the native of this sign, any occasion is good to tell tasty and crisp anecdotes, because she loves her girlfriends so much that it is easy for her to get carried away when she talks about them. She doesn't do this to hurt, but let's say that when she opens her hatch, several surprises can escape... Let's say that a speech on her part is not desirable if your in-laws do not have the sense to humor!
Virgo (August 24 to September 23)
Getting out of your comfort zone… This is something that the Virgo woman does not particularly like. Quite discreet and reserved, she does not like having all the attention on her. And, please, don't put a red bridesmaid dress on her, because the shade of her face might match it too well during her speech delivery! On paper, she'll have all the right words, but her nervousness might get the better of you and you might feel like a robot on auto mode is delivering her speech for her. For the touching side, we will go back. But, poor thing, we understand!
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)
Dynamic, funny and amusing, the Sagittarius woman will go out of her way to ensure that your wedding reception is the party of the century… after hers, of course (if that is the case)! However, if you want to give her a special task, put her in charge of starting a line dance with your aunts and uncles who dare not venture onto the dance floor. It's a better idea than giving her your wedding speech, because she may not take it seriously and have nothing prepared. You might be a little disappointed by his lack of involvement, even if it's not voluntary on his part...
Psitt: we have daily, monthly and year-round horoscopes courtesy of our astrologer Ginette Blais!
(source : elitedaily.com)