The Brief History of Chinese Astrology
The Buddha, in a very distant time, would have invited several animals to pay homage to him and only 12 showed up.
First it was the Rat, the Ox (the Ox, if you prefer), the Tiger, the Hare (the Cat or the Rabbit, if you prefer), the Dragon, the Serpent, the Horse, the Goat (the Sheep, if you prefer), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar (Pig, if you prefer).
Chinese zodiac sign Snake personality
Foresighted, shrewd and agile, the Serpent diligently cultivates his taste for love, money, good food and good wines or cognacs. In addition, the attractive and sensual Serpent when he undulates in search of something will never hesitate to jump on the many opportunities that may arise to find what he is looking for.
Serpents are also and generally extreme sports enthusiasts. He loves elegant, designer, original and refined clothes. He rarely doubts himself. If someone rejects it, it will just gently settle on another tree.
Her sensual beauty captivates and captivates. Its sulphurous charm wreaks havoc. Rarely affected by money problems, the Snakes always find ingenious ways to earn a lot. His legendary foresight about the future allows him to protect himself against the most difficult situations.
Finally… as much as possible since there will always be imponderables that will cloud the cards!
Discover the personality of the other Chinese zodiac signs:
- Steering
- Buffalo
- Tigre
- Lièvre
- Dragon
- Serpent
- Goat
- Horses
- Monkey
- Cock
- Dog
- Sanglier