Do you think your dog is the laziest in the world because he spends a lot of time sleeping and it wasn't before? Know first of all that a dog who sleeps a lot is when he sleeps more than 12 hours a day, his average sleep duration.
But if your dog is sleeping more than before and this duration, then there may be an underlying cause for this dog sleeping time.
There are many possible reasons for this sudden habit change. The problem can range from stress to more serious issues. It is therefore necessary to know the possible causes and to go to the veterinarian in the event of a serious cause.
Why does my dog sleep a lot?
If your dog sleeps all the time or at least a lot, there are psychological and physical reasons related to it.
Often the disease causes a change in sleep time spent sleeping, but there can be many other causes that should be known to resolve this issue.
We have therefore gathered for you the different causes that can cause your dog to sleep a lot.
The age of the dog
Dogs can sleep more than 12 hours a day, usually between 12 and 14 p.m. and older dogs can sleep more than when they were younger.
If your dog is old, or on the contrary a baby, then it is normal for his sleeping habits to change. Old dogs and puppies can sleep up to 18 hours a day.
The dog breed
The breed of the dog determines its size, activity and rate of aging. All of these factors can affect your dog's sleep needs. A smaller breed of dog generally takes longer to reach old age and needs less sleep.
Greyhounds, Saint Bernards, Bassett Hounds and Newfoundlands can sleep 18 hours a day.
The stress
A dog that is going through psychological difficulties, such as stress or anxiety, will sleep a lot. If stressed, he will start to become lethargic and often fall asleep.
In this case, stimulating it with physical activities is essential so that it can regain a normal sleep pattern.
Boredom can also lead to this lethargic state.
activity level
Dogs that have high levels of activity necessarily need greater recovery, like athletes. It is therefore normal for your dog to sleep a lot if he exerts himself throughout the day.
Thyroxine deficiency
Better known as hypothyroidism, this deficiency normally reduces the chemical processes that occur in the cells of the body and in particular those related to the metabolism, consequently, the dog is in poor health.
The older the dog, the higher the risk that it will suffer from it and certain breeds such as Labradors, Dachshunds and Dobermanns are more prone to it.
The inability of the body to produce insulin in the amount needed by the body can significantly affect the dog due to the risk of hyperglycemia. Some breeds like Dachshunds and Australian Terriers are more susceptible to it than other dog breeds.
Leptospirosis is an infection caused by highly contagious bacteria. Dogs can contract it through contact with other dogs' urine or through contact with a human. Water, soil and hot climates favor this pathology.
Le parvovirus
This highly contagious viral disease is mainly present in puppies before adolescence, between six weeks and six months. It is caused by the parvoviridae virus.
This virus affects the ability to absorb food and your dog will easily become dehydrated and weak from lack of protein and fluid absorption as well as essential nutrients.
Infectious tracheobronchitis
Also called kennel cough, this very contagious respiratory disease can affect your dog's sleep, especially if he is very young.
Parvovirus and infectious tracheobronchitis are two problems that can be prevented with vaccination.
Anemia is a medical condition that reduces blood in dogs. This reduction in red blood cells is due to the presence of blood-sucking parasites in the dog's body.
These pests include:
The roundworms
Roundworms are transmitted through the mother's womb to the puppy and also during breastfeeding. These worms are visible in the salts of dogs.
They latch onto the gut to suck blood and are often transferred from mother to pup. Adult dogs can also pick it up from infested soil.
These intestinal parasites are usually transmitted to dogs when they ingest fleas growing in the dog's intestine. They are visible in the dog's stool.
Les trichures
These intestinal parasites cause irritation of the lining of the cecum and colon. They can also be seen in the dog's stool.
An inexperienced dog will eat anything if it looks good and sometimes he eats something that is harmful to him (coffee, avocados, spices...).
Why does my dog sleep a lot? The final word
The causes of a dog that sleeps a lot are multiple, and if you have the slightest doubt, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian to avoid any risk that could be fatal to him.
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