It is quite common and even normal to dream of a special color, of different shades, warm or cold, the truth is that colors have meaning when they manifest in our dreams, but these, in general, are associated or linked to an emotional situation. Color has meaning in the end.
Color or colors have a lot of influence on our mind and mood, but as we said earlier, it also simplifies whether color is bright or intense, it has a relationship with mood. In dreams, dreaming about colors or a specific color tells us how we feel.
It is always important and fundamental to remember in detail the color you dreamed of and the situation in which you were, because this will be the interpretation of the state of mind, so that we can find an answer for each color revealed. in our rest.
Colors have always been linked to positivism and joyful changes, however, there are dreams with negative colors, especially when you were afraid to observe them or some kind of uncertainty.
What does it mean to dream of color?
The world of dreams is interesting, especially when it comes to dreaming of a specific color, where a rainbow color reflects our emotional state, it is not the same to dream in color as to dream in black and white. In fact, dreaming of a specific color can help you dispel doubts about the interpretation it is trying to convey to you.
It is not surprising that colors appear in our dreams, nightmares or not, they can manifest, just like when we dream of people, places and objects. The meaning of each color varies a lot, it depends on the dream and the context.
Dreaming of the color red
The moment you have a dream with the color red, it means your life is full of energy, these dreams will make you wake up with your very high mood, feel euphoric, powerful, and you are sure that you will achieve everything that you have set yourself. Such a dream will fill you with adrenaline. As a rule, this color represents this positive energy.
It also represents the color of erotic dreams, but it should not be taken literally because it can also mean violence or aggression. The color of blood and life, of passion, heat and fire; transcendental ascent. Likewise, dreaming of the color red represents sentiment, loyalty, and simplicity.
This red dream is a message from your subconscious, it communicates that you are a person who carries passion and love in a bold, powerful and unique way. If you currently have a partner or are about to have a partner, it means that you will get along or get along with him.
Dreaming of the color blue
This blue-colored dream represents intuition, meditation, and spiritual calm, although it can also represent sadness. This color when we dream it, comes from the sky and awakens the thought, speaks of tranquility and peace. It also means that you are internally connected to spirituality.
Blue also represents strong inner peace, symbolizes serenity, tranquility and happiness. Stay calm, relaxed. You are connecting with the spiritual realm of your being, you should feel happy that you dreamed of the color blue, because it is a great sign for you, but also, it indicates that you will be victorious in a bad situation.
The spiritual sphere is very vital for our daily life, but dreaming of the color blue clearly indicates that you are about to connect with your higher self or spirit guides. Moreover, you will bring purity and serenity to your life, your path widens in better directions.
Dreaming of the color pink
If by chance we dream of the color pink, it shows us that we are short of experiencing moments of tenderness, tenderness and pleasure with our partner. The color pink is usually related to the opposite sex and the connection, mental and environmental bond that we usually have with our partner.
This pink color when dreaming is symbolized in the same way by tenderness and innocence, naivety, generosity and love. It is also linked to imagination and fantasy, that is to say, in short, it is linked to the fact that you are an effectively creative person and capable of developing important artistic projects, painting or writing.
Dreaming with the color white
If you dreamed of the color white, it perfectly represents purity, cleanliness and renewal, although for some cultures it can also mean the color of death and mourning.
This color also represents rebirth, high levels of healing, giving rise to unconsciousness, therefore dreaming of the color white is symbolized with knowledge and wisdom. You have enormous energy and vitality; peace and perfection, wisdom and creativity, dignity, all these positive faculties that you should enjoy.
Dreaming of the color green
The color green, when you dream, means good luck and hope, this experience wants to send you a clear message, it pushes you to start this talented engine, this creativity which is in you. This means that you will have a better stage of personal growth and development in all aspects of your life.
This dream can represent jealousy and hope. Its symbol is vegetation, the essential color, which reflects those who dream and reality. Also, it is the sign of hope and gentleness.
Dreaming of the color orange
If one dreams of the color orange, it is clearly associated with spiritual balance, but it can also be a reflection of infidelity. It has a meaning similar to red, passion between friends, sentimental and the need to experience new adventures. Also for another it can mean fertility.
So, in the dream with the color orange, you can very easily see that the dream has a meaning of positive aspects. Optimism, happiness and a lot of joy. It is the color of the party, so you are fully connected to yourself and begin to wake up feeling genius, euphoric and capable of new challenges in the future.
Dreaming of the color purple
This purple color, when we dream it, exhibits positive symbolism because purple dreams are related to power and empowerment. It is a very spiritual color, so you can connect and get to know yourself more, learn to love yourself a little more.
Adding as a curiosity, dreaming of purple symbolizes autumn, the color of transmutation, physical, mental and spiritual changes. It also indicates creative potential, understanding beyond things, change, spiritual cleansing, and an evolution of our intuition.
Dreaming of the color black
The staging of the color black, when dreamed of, represents mystery, intrigue and, often, evil. To dream of the exact color black manifests serious messages for your life. As the number one sign, it can be family and friendship conflicts, those that are about to arise.
To dream of the color black not only indicates that a conflict is about to appear, but these problems will be really serious. Moreover, it represents fear, that by the way, it is not considered a color, but rather the danger of pain and suffering, bad signs and vibrations, nothing positive.
Dream of the color yellow
When we dream of the color yellow, it represents both positive and negative symbolism, depending on the situation you just went through while sleeping. It is said to be a color associated with selfishness, betrayal and insecurity.
But if, on the contrary, when we wake up feeling full of energy and optimism, it means that you appreciate the great meanings and the benefits they bring to your new day. A dream of yellow color, symbolically linked to transparency and mirage.
Moreover, it represents insight and intensity, but it is also related to intuition and imagination. If you dream of yellow, it also indicates that you will encounter this or that obstacle that you will be able to recover as quickly as possible. This color also means wisdom and a lot of energy, so it will flatter you.
Dreaming of celestial color
The celestial, like the color we dream of, clearly represents exchange, evolution and ascension, in this well, to begin a new ascension. It symbolizes obedience and submission, just as it represents the senses, the sky and the sensations.
Associated with heaven and spirituality, divinity and honesty; strength, equity and justice. This dream involves relaxation and meditation, promoting relationships between people and introspection of thought. Lucidity and reflective action can also mean the color sky blue.
Dreaming of golden color
To dream of the color of gold is to be connected with our skills and talents, security in achieving our goals and overcoming the difficulties we encounter, balancing our feelings, so that we can resume or continue the projects than we expected and abandoned.
To dream of this golden color accurately represents wisdom, wealth and spirituality, wealth and the spirit of money, balanced energy, especially for our spirit; superior deities or spiritual superiority. This openness will take you to extraordinary levels of consciousness, especially consciousness.
Dreaming of the color purple
When we dream of the color violet, it indicates nostalgia and melancholy, as well as empathy, maturity and balance. This color, in general, is related to sentimentality and naivety, but although it gives positive meaning, it also leads to loneliness and confusion.
It is also linked to the power and empowerment of women. The color violet when you dream is also a very spiritual color, you can very well reconnect with yourself and learn to love a little more.
Dreaming of the color purple
When the violet color dream is presented, it signifies mystery, magic and elegance, even power, but it is also a real sense of desire, as it symbolizes passion, tranquility and peace of mind. Wearing lilac in clothes represents power and elegance, as well as spirituality, wisdom and knowledge.
Dreaming of the color brown
When we come to dream of the color brown, it is totally related to nature, earth and wood, although it means, in a word, resistance, charm and beauty, it also has its negative meaning, it can be sadness and demotivation, as well as evil and arrogance.