Why do we snore? Snoring is a serious social problem and at the same time it is one of the most underestimated. It is important to worry about the sociability of all people whose nightlife is destined, sooner or later, to become lonely in order to save the relationship of the couple.
On the other hand, when the quality of life of those who are awakened by this annoying rhythmic noise caused by a snorer is destined to suffer a serious deterioration, it is unthinkable that there are no consequences. When, on occasion, this noise is interrupted, it is immediately destined to resume with greater vigor. The protests following this sonic attack are therefore predictable; It is normal for more than one person to react to this situation with poorly concealed anger.
Why do we snore: The causes
Snoring is a medical problem; it concerns more than half of adults, mainly men, especially when they are overweight. But it is not just individuals with these characteristics who are affected. Among the most affected snorers, there are not only obese people, there are also individuals who have a morphologically different appearance.
Snoring is not funny, generally in the life of the snorer there is suffering, more or less conscious. The problem is that those who snore make an effort to breathe. Breathing is essential for survival, of course we all consider this activity to be natural. Sleep is an important part of our life where our brain is recharged. About a third of our life is spent sleeping; failing to do so effectively sets up something with drastic consequences. A poor quality of sleep will translate into a poor quality of life when you wake up. Ask a sleepless person to understand what it means to not get enough rest.
The difficulty of breathing when we sleep is something that we are usually not well aware of. We arrive at this situation gradually, without realizing it; gradually the quality of breathing decreases and consequently sleep worsens.
In these cases, we can speak of a real sleep disordered breathing of which snoring is the first sign. The majority of snorers do not know they are snoring; for this reason, they do not immediately notice the fact that the quality of their nocturnal breathing has deteriorated and consequently also the quality of their rest. Some notice it later, others, denying any evidence, don't "want" to notice it despite complaints from wives or husbands who are forced to use noise canceling headphones or change rooms to rest.
Unfortunately, not accepting reality is a common situation in the health sector, especially when the symptoms do not have immediate consequences. These people reject the idea that snoring could be the cause of restless sleep and that it is a medical problem that can be solved by contacting a competent professional. The snorer usually sleeps with his mouth open. oral breathing in itself is already a pathological situation; nature, over millennia, has genetically selected nasal breathing as the most efficient method of oxygenating us.
When nasal breathing becomes insufficient due to a problem, oral breathing is triggered, both in children and adults. It could only depend on a cold or more complex pathological image; in any case, when we are forced to breathe through our mouths, we sleep less well. We all know from personal experience how bad we are when we can't breathe properly through our nose. The nose is the organ in charge of preparing the air we breathe to reach the lungs in the best conditions; purified, heated, humidified, better filtered.
Snoring can be caused by some of these issues:
- Lower muscle tone decreases with a relative relaxation of the tissues to which we are all destined due to the passing of the years,
- By the presence of more adipose tissue which envelops the neck and respiratory tract when we gain weight,
- From the lying position during sleep which promotes partial collapse of the airways,
- Enlarged adenoids and tonsils, especially in children,
- An excessively large tongue and long palatal and uvula tissues
- An unfavorable morphology jaw and mandibular bone
- A dental malocclusion,
There are causes many and varied snoring , these causes often add up. The effect is always related to soft tissue vibration due to family predisposition, congenital image, a series of external factors including incorrect habits such as smoking habit, drinking habit in the evening , the tendency to overrun during the evening meal, especially when late; going to bed with a full stomach is never a good idea.
Snoring, if left untreated, will get worse, it could progress from a simple sleep breathing disorder to a more complex picture that can lead to nocturnal apnea syndrome (in English OSAS , a much more complex picture) which over time will increase associated changes in blood pressure an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
There are many do-it-yourself remedies: there are those that use the patches placed on the nose; they dilate the nostrils. There are those who use a nose ring that is applied to the septum. There are those who use decongestant nasal sprays. There are also natural remedies such as herbal teas and essential oils with effectiveness on mild snoring. Finally, some homeopathic solutions are also available.
In the case of regular snoring, it is much healthier and more correct to consult a physician experienced in sleep-disordered breathing , rather than resorting to more drastic methods. The doctor will carefully assess the medical condition of the snoring patient and the characteristics of the disease. Snoring (rhonchopathy), when it is not episodic, must always be considered as a pathology, that is, as a medical problem that must be diagnosed with precision before establishing what could be the most effective therapy. more efficient.
-The first thing to check is the way of life . In some cases, changing them may solve the problem. Losing weight when excessive is healthy and often effective in reducing snoring. Other effective measures include abstaining from drinking alcohol and smoking. Regular exercise can help keep muscles toned, the relaxation of which is always the basis of snoring.
-Second, a sleep hygiene correct should always be considered; sleep - waking rhythms should be regular, sleep should be aided by respecting circadian rhythms (you sleep at night) in a suitable environment, i.e. non-noisy dedicated exclusively to rest; side sleeping is better than lying on your back using a travel pillow to reduce snoring.
Medical studies and research indicate that the most effective tools for reducing snoring and improving the quality of nighttime breathing are mobile medical devices used for move the jaw . Their purpose is to increase the air space behind the tongue, reducing the constrictions that correspond to the changes in flow that are often the cause of snoring.
Their English name is MAD (mandibular advancement devices); among their functions, if the narrowing is related to the lingual position, there is that of changing the tone of the tissues which, when too relaxed, vibrate noisily. The expertise for the construction of these devices is the preserve of specialists in the construction of dental devices such as orthodontic appliances. For this reason, in case of snoring, it is always advisable to contact a ORTHODONTIST expert in sleep-disordered breathing who will help both to undertake the right path of diagnosis and to solve the problem.