The World of Tarot - Tarot de Marseille Interpretation:
Description of the Tarot World Blade
The Tarot World Card is the 21 card of the Tarot de Marseille. It represents in its center a dancing woman who seems to rejoice and celebrate deep within herself the new beginning (the one announced by the Tarot Judgement card).
She is naked just covered by a scarf of the same color as her, flesh-colored. The garland draws an egg, symbol of femininity, fecundity and birth. The Hanged Man represents the inner gaze and the World, the outer gaze. They can also be opposed by the form of introversion and extroversion.
This idea is found in the Tarot 7 of wands card with the success and public recognition of the Tarot.
Meaning of the Tarot World card upright:
The Tarot World Card represents total success. Accomplishment in its purest expression. It is a symbol of fulfillment and joy.
All the effort, all the work of the quest is finally rewarded.
A complete life cycle has been completed, allowing us to finally enjoy. All obstacles and difficulties have been overcome. You have gained the experience necessary to learn and understand.

Everything that has been worked on in the long term such as studies, work on a relationship, a professional career is now rewarded. It is as if the circle is closing, giving you a feeling of fullness and fulfillment. You feel good about yourself, "at ease".
The card of the World in that it shows a culmination is also the card of a new beginning... For it is the teaching of the Tarot, any end is the sign of a new beginning.
Every new beginning is to be rejoiced because it carries its share of promise. In this, the Tarot is a mandala whose wheel never stops turning.
Thus, the consultant can expect with the Tarot World Card a total success for a long time to come. Any action undertaken will have a favorable outcome and will be fully realized.
A Perfect World

Perfection, fullness, total happiness, the pinnacle of all things. It is the accomplishment of all the previous trials that, after the right decisions have been made and the long road travelled, are crowned with success. All the energy is positively focused on the situation.
If you draw the World card in a Tarot deck, it means that if you have not yet achieved success, you are very close to it. The World Card may also represent an understanding of the world and the system in which you live. You are at its center and perfectly in its place.
This Tarot card means that you have succeeded in understanding your role and your destiny. You now know how you reflect yourself in your environment.
It is also the sign that you have also understood your influence on your environment. Now you know that it exists only in relation to you. Thus, this last Tarot card will represent the feeling of fullness that is felt when one is connected to the Whole and is finally unified.
Harmony and perfection

The card symbolizes everything that is beautiful, aesthetic, artistic, stable, durable, perfect.
You have your place perfectly and you are in harmony with others. You are a full member of your community and are listened to. There is an exchange because you have understood that life is giving and receiving. From then on, you feel this deep connection with your fellow human beings but also with the Universe.
The World of Tarot is also a travel card, as its name suggests. It will represent the idea of the foreigner, travels abroad but everything that is related to the international.
It could then be a question of making a journey for pleasure or for study. It can also be a question of working abroad. But it can also be about the idea of being a foreigner, by talking about a foreign person for example.
Summary of the Tarot World Card upright
The upright Tarot World Card speaks of fulfillment, of wishful thinking, of success, of fulfillment, of completion of one's work.
Work is rewarded in the most satisfying way. This card will also speak of perfection, complete success, harmony, happiness, joy, gentleness...etc.
To better understand how to interpret the world card you can use the intuitive Tarot reading method.
Pulling the world is certainly very pleasant, but one must also beware of traps and carefully analyze the position of the card in the deck. Indeed, it sometimes happens that the World card does not necessarily mean full success....
The Tarot World card is reversed:

The World being the card of achievement, her inversion only diminishes her qualities but does not succeed in reversing them. Thus things and events have not yet come to an end, contracts have not yet been signed, but the end is near. As a result, success may be delayed, and small disappointments may be scattered along the way.
For example, the upside down world card may indicate that you are on a quest, but you may not be able to reach it. No doubt you may encounter major obstacles that prevent you from advancing. This is mostly due to your conception of things and the path you choose to take that does not allow you to reach your goals.
It's also possible that the World upside down can cause a general feeling of dissatisfaction or you can't find what's important to you. It is possible that you may not be able to realize what is important to you. You can't finish your studies, your relationship can't end...etc.
The upside down World will also be able to express types of personalities or behaviours. An inordinate pride, a form of egocentricity...etc.
Synthesis and Keywords of reversed world card
The Tarot World card drawn upside down may make one think of a proud person, eager for material things. The World can also represent delays, obstacles that we can not overcome. It may also represent a hostile environment, imperfections, ugliness, dispersion, setbacks.
This blade expresses perfection, the mastery of all plans. It also symbolizes noble feelings such as altruistic love, love of humanity. It is the blade of beauty and aesthetics.
You play the cards thinking of a particular person:
- In the professional field:
This person is made for high positions. Brilliant and socially recognized careers. This is a person who likes to hold important positions but who also does everything possible to succeed. A hard-working person who has a vision of his career and what he wants to achieve professionally. - In the sentimental realm:
She is a refined person, ambitious in the good sense of the word and who loves socialising. She is at the height of her glory. She is seductive by her charisma and savoir vivre, she likes to be surrounded by people who look like her. If you possess these qualities you will be part of her friends. - In the financial field:
You can trust her, she has integrity and will not disappoint you.
The message of the World:
You have nothing more to worry about. Enjoy your happiness.
Particularities of the World
In its immobility the World expresses eternity. The finality of the work, timeless that survives man and remains until the end of time.
The World is the end of the initiatory journey begun with The Mage. It is the success of all the tests, the accomplishment of the work.
This card represents the ultimate understanding of the message delivered by the Pope to the Mage at the beginning of his initiatory journey. The Mage understood that life is a passage, that it is necessary to go beyond what is material while integrating it into his incarnation. It is a question of taking distance and seeing oneself as part of a much more important whole.
She holds a wand in her left hand just like The Mage, it's power over things. The cosmic elements are represented, the air by the levitation of the young woman, she seems to be holding effortlessly, she has reached the perfect balance.