In a 2016 US study, it was found that about 76% of 2400 women complained of poor quality sleep during pregnancy, or at least worse than at other times in their lives. But what is the best position to keep during pregnancy to sleep better and ensure good baby health? Is it really dangerous to sleep on your back while pregnant?
Doctors say the most comfortable position for mom and baby is on their side. But what if you toss and turn in your sleep? Is it dangerous to sleep on your back during pregnancy? Do not panic, it is completely normal to wake up on your back during pregnancy, even if you fall asleep on your side. However, when you fall asleep on your back, you will probably wake up within minutes because the position is extremely uncomfortable after the first trimester of pregnancy.
Although sleeping on your back during pregnancy is quite safe, it's a position that usually creates discomfort and can cause health problems. For a safer and more comfortable rest, doctors recommend sleeping on the left side at all stages of pregnancy.
Is it dangerous to sleep on your back when pregnant?
When sleeping on your back during pregnancy, the abdomen rests on the intestine and major blood vessels. A condition that obviously becomes more and more uncomfortable with the growth of the belly and the baby. Pressure in this position can cause:
- back pain
- respiratory problems
- problèmes digestifs
- low blood pressure
- hemorrhoids
- reduced circulation in children.
It is therefore not recommended to sleep on your back during pregnancy, especially after the first trimester. If you wake up on your back, just switch positions and fall asleep on your side.
Sleep on your side during pregnancy
Research shows that sleeping on your side is better than sleeping on your back while pregnant at all stages of pregnancy. Sleeping on your side helps you breathe better and the pressure on the uterus decreases.
Sleeping on your stomach or your back is still possible during the first trimester, but doctors recommend getting used to sleeping on your side as soon as possible. Start during the first weeks of pregnancy will help you get used to this position before sleeping on your side.
Which side is better to sleep on?
Doctors recommend sleeping on the left side. This is because sleeping on your left side during pregnancy allows you to pump nutrients and blood to the placenta and baby more efficiently. Sleeping on the left side also prevents the uterus from pressing on the liver, which is located on the right side of the abdomen.
How to sleep comfortably on your side?
When you sleep on your side, it may be comfortable to keep knees and legs bent. By bending the legs and knees, the work of the heart is facilitated. Once in the side position, place a cushion – preferably a thick, sturdy cushion – under the upper leg. By placing a pillow under the upper leg rather than between the knees, it is possible to properly align the body. This also releases pressure from the lower leg and lower back.