A painful shoulder is a nightmare for sleep. Thanks to this post, you will have in hand all the solutions to relieve shoulder pain at night.
For those who suffer from shoulder or rotator cuff pain, it can seem nearly impossible to get comfortable at night and find a sleeping position that isn't painful.
And unlike other wounds, this one can take a long time to heal. Some people may not get complete relief and need to find creative ways to relieve shoulder pain overnight.
Although it can feel desperate and frustrating at times, there are things you can do to ease the pain and potentially promote healing.
The effectiveness of the suggestions provided in this article will depend on the cause of the pain, as well as other factors such as age and general level of health.
Whatever your situation, you will discover the quick solution(s) to apply.
Relieving Shoulder Pain at Night: The Causes of Pain
1. Tears
Four muscles make up the rotator cuff, and the source of shoulder pain is often a tear in one of the rotator cuff muscles. This type of problem is relatively common.
Tears can occur when sudden injuries such as a fall, or may over time due to repetitive movements or degeneration. Neglecting treatment or continuing to stress this area can cause the tear to become even larger.
2. Bad posture
Poor posture can lead to uneven tension and pressure on bones, muscles and ligaments. For people who have a forward-leaning posture, the risk of shoulder pain increases.
Forward posture occurs when you bend too often. The increase in smartphone use is one of the main reasons for the hunched forward posture.
3. Too much muscle fatigue
Imagine your shoulder as a bullet in a casing. There's a 360 degree range of motion, so you can do all kinds of things with that part of your body! The hazard is injury or pain due to a excessive effort.
You don't have to be a professional athlete to suffer from fatigue. Even painting a fence or playing tennis with neighbors could cause enough strain to make you regret it for weeks or months.
4. Repetitive work accidents
If your profession is physical, you are at greater risk of rotator cuff injury or pain. Construction work is known to cause this type of pain. Athletes also tend to suffer from repetitive occupational injuries.
5. Aging
As we age, our bodies begin to wear out. Although we can slow the process down with healthy choices and an active lifestyle, the inevitable march of time will always win out. These types of injuries and the pain associated with them are unfortunately more common in people over 40.6. Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is often associated with the elderly, but young people can also suffer from it. The degeneration or injury age-related can lead to osteoarthritis. There is also a genetic component, so if your parents have it, it is more likely that you will too.
7. Frozen Shoulder
The frozen shoulder has nothing to do with the cold. This is a condition associated with joint stiffness. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, it is characterized by immobility of the joint.
Often the condition starts out subtly but gets worse over time. It can heal on its own in two or three years.
8. Dislocation
The mobility of this joint makes the dislocation a common injury. The humerus (upper arm bone) is pushed out of the socket. The first step is to have it put back in position by a trained medical professional and then immobilized for healing.
The healing process can take 12 to 16 weeks and surgery is sometimes required.
9. Tendinose
Tendinosis is a form of chronic tendonitis that results from cellular level lacerations more than in the tendons themselves. While tendinitis is associated with inflammation, people with tendinosis have no inflammation, which makes these two conditions distinctly different.
10. Tendonitis
Inflammation of the rotator cuff of the shoulder is often due to constant repetitive movements or "microtraumas". People often complain of continuous pain and clicking when suffering from tendonitis.
How to relieve shoulder pain at night?
1. Rest position
In cases where the pain is particularly severe, it is possible to sleep in a semi-reclined position, either on a reclining chair or on an adjustable bed. However, this resting position is not ideal in the long term.
If you suffer from chronic pain or expect it to take a long time to recover from an injury, it will be best to find a position that you can tolerate.
Here are some options to try:
- Sleep on the side of the non-painful shoulder. Often, the removal of weight and pressure from the affected area provides relief.
- Sleep on the side of the non-painful shoulder. In rare cases, applying pressure to the injured side can decrease pain. It's a bit like putting pressure on a wound to compress it.
Sleeping on your back helps you distribute the weight evenly and helps relieve shoulder pain at night. If the shoulder pain is close to the front, this position also keeps the pressure off. However, if the pain in the rotator cuff is located on the posterior side of the joint, the situation may worsen.
2. Sleep planning
Maintaining a routine sleep schedule is helpful in ensuring that you get the right amount of rest. Although it may be more difficult to fall asleep when in pain, a lack of sleep can lead to irritability, slower healing times and sleep deprivation.
Make an effort to go to bed at the same time every night. It can help you do something relaxing before bed, like drinking a cup of herbal tea or taking a warm, relaxing bath.
3. Shoulder Stretch
Stretching is useful for all types of stiffness and pain muscles and joints.
When adopting a new stretching regimen, go slowly. The stretches should be felt, but should not be too painful. If the feeling of light exertion escalates to something more like pain, relax on the stretch to avoid further injury.
We recommend that you keep each stretch for 30 seconds up to one minute. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply while stretching. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your nose or mouth.
4. Recliner
For some people with shoulder pain, trying to sleep with shoulder pain is difficult. You may find it more comfortable to sleep in a reclined position. One option is to use a travel pillow to fall asleep easily 45 degrees.
Our travel pillows for sleeping in an inclined position
5. Ice Pack
These wraps are like ice packs designed specifically for the shoulder. They work by freezing the shoulder and have a strap system that keeps the backpack in place. Depending on the model obtained, there may be an option to pump air and to allow greater pressure and compression. The air pressure also ensures that the cold gel pack covers the entire surface of the painful parts of the body.
6. Anti-inflammatories
There are many inflammation medications like Advil or Aleve, but please consult your doctor if your condition is fragile. If you are looking for a more natural solution, tart cherry juice is known for its effectiveness.7. Pillow/shoulder support system
A shoulder support system is a kind of pillow. The "system" works by having a grooved area for the arm and shoulder area. The idea behind this ingenious invention is that people who sleep on their side don't have a comfortable place to rest their arm, and now they do!
With this system, theThe body is raised with a slit to position the arm and shoulder to avoid unnecessary weight. This thing that isn't a pillow (even though it looks exactly like a pillow) is a must.
8. Yoga
Yoga is a useful practice for almost anyone, not just people with shoulder pain at night. This includes stretching the whole body and strengthening the neck and back muscles surrounding the area.
If you are in pain some of the standard positions can be a challenge, but if you feel comfortable, yoga is likely to help increase shoulder strength and health!
9. Interventional therapies
If the pain is sharp and persistent, the body may need help to heal. Physical therapy and chiropractic are both helpful strategies, and a physical therapist or chiropractor can recommend an optimal treatment plan.
It is also possible toget medical injections, either PRP (protein-rich plasma) or joint injections. Both injections can relieve pain, but PRP injections also help with healing. Medicines are also available.
10. Surgical intervention
This route is usually reserved as a last resort for extreme injuries or older people who are not as likely to recover from their own pain. However, surgery also comes with its risks, especially in older populations.
Signs to look out for to avoid shoulder pain at night