Have you ever wondered why, after a few years of dating, you change your habits and sleep together in a different way? The position for sleeping as a couple reveals the state of your love situation.
If you have been in a relationship for a short time, it seems that affection and desire also express themselves with the need to sleep close, ignoring heat, discomfort or body and pillow positions.
Let's see the 7 most common sleeping positions and what they reveal.
Couple Sleeping Position: What Each Means
1) Sleep separately but with physical contact
It seems that the extremities (hands or feet) that are in contact during sleep reveal a desire to maintain independence in the couple and in each individuality.
2) Sleep face to face
The position of lovers par excellence. Among the positions for sleeping as a couple, it is considered the most romantic and also the clearest on the type of relationship you are living: wanting to have an eye on the other means having chosen the right person and having the security of a strong relationship. Not only young lovers, but also lasting couples if they choose this position are meant to last.
3) Sleeping in a spoon
We often fall asleep in this position because it's a hug that wraps the whole body. Those who manage to keep it on all night, however, know that movement is very limited and that other variables are established during sleep, such as temperature, especially in summer. The relationship security and self-esteem increase with this position, but it seems that she is one of the least appreciated by women as well as men ... would it be for the inconvenience?
4) Interlaced
This sleeping position is also considered part of a relationship that has just begun. A love that wants us to be close often and also when we have to fall asleep. Is this a prelude to lasting love? Nobody can tell, it seems that sleeping in this position is typical of the first months of love , those where physical contact is at its maximum and the desire insatiable.
5) Sleep separately competing for space
An alarm clock for couples who find themselves sleeping together. Partly because an imbalance is created in the couple, one of the two will have to leave room for the other, even if in reality there is no need for it. It may even be a habit of sleeping alone, but it's worth investigating...if you're nervous during the day for example.
6) Sleep from two to two
The clearest contrast position ever. In fact, those who decide to sleep in this position, offering their back to their partner who still experiences strong contact with their own half, seem to be the symptom of a more than healthy relationship, based on mutual respect and the desire to complement each other while maintaining their "I" intact.
7) Sleep separately
Symptom of impending separation? It may be, if we often think of it when we've discussed it, it's a couple sleeping position we try to sleep in (and barely succeed in). However, it depends a lot on the period you are going through, it can also happen that excessive fatigue or a relationship of trust and understanding of the other's freedom leads to sleeping in this position to respect your partner's spaces and sleep optimally.
We hope that this article has been able to teach you about your romantic relationship in order to ensure that you can flourish in it to the fullest.