There is no wrong way to sleep. However, if you have lumbago, there are a few steps you can take to make your sleeping position a little more comfortable. Today we're going to look at five sleeping positions that are good for low back pain, so you can sleep better and wake up pain-free. Lumbago: Position for sleeping
Lumbago: Position for sleeping - the 5 appropriate ones
1- Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees
Sleeping on your back is by far the best option. This is because when you sleep on your back, your spine is aligned and your body weight is distributed evenly across your body. This makes your back more supported and avoids adding pressure or tension to any part of your back.
To maximize the positive effect of sleeping on your back, you should also try using a pillow. You can place this pillow under your knees. Use a thick pillow to elevate your knees and keep your back aligned.
2- Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees
Sleeping on your side is another good option. if you have lower back pain. The only problem with sleeping on your side is that your spine doesn't stay aligned with the curve of your lower back. To solve this problem, you can use a thick pillow between your knees to achieve this natural alignment. This will give you the alignment you need to sleep pain free.
If you like to sleep on your side with one leg bent, you can also use a pillow between your legs to maintain this same alignment. Anyway, the pillow is essential to avoid a tense position.
3- Sleep in the fetal position
If in doubt, the fetal position is also a good option for the lower back. In particular, if you suffer from hernias, the fetal position is ideal to get a curve in your spine so your vertebrae stay spread out while you sleep. It is also a comfortable position that does not require no pillow to correct alignment issues.
The fetal position is also a popular sleeping position, which likely comes from the comfort of having your spine stretched out while you sleep. If you are looking to stay in the fetal position while you sleep, opt for sleep on your left. Your left side is better for deep breathing and avoids putting pressure on your internal organs.
4- Sleep on your stomach with a pillow under your hips
Traditionally, sleeping on your stomach is a big no. However, if you use a pillow, you can make this position less taxing on your back. In general, when you sleep on your stomach, you put a lot of pressure on your lower back because it stays tense while you sleep to support it. If you want to avoid this pressure, you can slide a thin pillow under your hips to naturally support this area without the need to engage the muscles.
It is important that the pillow be thin, because with a thick pillow you will create further alignment issues. Stick with a lower pillow that fills the space under your hips but doesn't lift them too high.
5- Sleep reclined with a chair cushion
Generally, sleeping reclined is uncomfortable for most people. However, there are some lower back conditions where sleeping lying down can be enjoyable. To do this, you have a few options. You can invest in a mattress part of which can be tilted. Or, you can use a chair cushion to support your reclining body. It is not recommended to sleep in a recliner, as they are generally not designed for sleeping through the night.
Stay comfortable by using a chair pillow or changeable mattress to achieve the reclined position. You can even use an extra pillow under your lower back to avoid a feeling of pressure.
Lumbago: Position for sleeping. We hope you sleep well with these tips for sleeping with lumbago.