Feather pillows undoubtedly offer unparalleled comfort for your night's rest, although they can generate doubts when washing them to leave them as new. In this article we will try to solve them with our tips for washing feather pillows.
How to wash a feather pillow?
Having a good pillow is a key factor for daily rest. That is why they must be properly maintained, especially in the case of feather pillows because it is a natural product. These pillows stand out for their durability and softness, which leads them to be preferred by many people. If you are one of those who have chosen a feather pillow, it is essential to know how to wash it.
Washing feather or down pillows is easy, in fact you can make them as fluffy as when they were new, which you won't get with synthetics. First of all, you have to read the label carefully, but as a general rule you can wash the duck feather pillow in the washing machine, it will come out perfect if you follow our advice!
This is one of the many benefits of the amazing natural materials that feather pillows are filled with. They are not only special for the comfort and softness that we love, but also for their easy maintenance.
Its alternative, synthetic pillows, has the big problem of being difficult to maintain since it can often be damaged by washing it. Many people are afraid to wash it and for this reason they end up sleeping on a dirty pillow for years until they give up and buy a new one. In the case of any other garment, that would be unthinkable, wouldn't it?
Keeping your pillows clean isn't just good for you, it's also good for extending their life.
The key to washing your pillows is to rinse and dry them according to their thickness and density.
Tips for washing feather or down pillows in the washing machine
- Label: Read the label and check that it can be put in the washing machine.
- Preparation: Remove the pillow from the cover and the protector (if it has one). Check that there are no holes. If you find any, sew them on so the pillow won't be damaged in the wash.
- Quantity: It is recommended to put two pillows in the washing machine. This way the drum will be more balanced and the pillows will come out of the spin cycle better.
- Soap: Use a mild liquid soap with no additives, powdered detergent may leave a lot of residue
- Water temperature: it is recommended to use lukewarm or cold water to avoid damaging the feathers. If you wish, you can use hot water occasionally to kill any dust mites that may be inside the pillow.
- Rinse: Add an extra rinse cycle to make sure all the soap is gone.
- Spin Speed: Use your washer's fastest speed to remove as much moisture as possible
Some additional tips:
- Bleaching: If you want to bleach your pillow, always use non-chlorine bleach.
- Fabric Softener: Manufacturers do NOT recommend using these as they can cover up the natural softness of down or feathers.
How to dry a feather pillow
When drying a feather pillow, you need to make sure that there is not a lot of moisture. If you see that there is still some moisture left, you can squeeze the pillow with a towel. To do this, place the pillow between two towels and press it between them. This will allow the excess water to disappear.
As already mentioned above, make sure the pillow can be put in the dryer. If you cannot or prefer not to use the dryer, it is advisable to let the pillow air dry, on a flat place and avoid moving it until it is completely dry .
Tips for Drying Feather or Down Pillows in the Dryer
If, on the contrary, you prefer to use the dryer, the ideal will be a gentle cycle.
- Temperature: You can choose to dry at high temperature or at low temperature. Keep in mind that a high temperature will help you dry them faster, but it can damage the feathers. On the contrary, freeze drying will take longer to dry, but it will be safer.
- Drying time: be patient, drying can take several cycles depending on the machine.
- Lumps or Odors: The most important thing when drying a down or feather pillow is to dry it completely to prevent mildew. If it hardens or smells strange (bad), that will be a sign that it is not yet dry.
- Dry test: To avoid the previous step, always do a final feel test by squeezing the pillow tight. It is always better to favor more drying time than less.
Some additional tips:
- Use tennis balls or dryer balls: One trick that will help keep feather pillows fluffy is to use dryer balls. If you don't have one, you can use tennis balls. Place them on top of the pillow and let them accompany your pillows when drying. If you want to give a plus to drying, also introduce a thick towel. This way you will eliminate the excess water in your pillows.
- Refresh your pillow: If you want to give it extra freshness, you can use dryer sheets while drying.
To make them soft like the first day, once the pillows are out of the dryer, grab them by the corners and shake them. Then put clean blankets on it. It is very important that you never use the pillows if there is any moisture left, as the feathers could rot or mold.
How often should feather pillows be washed?
The recommended frequency is six months but it will depend a lot on the person. Because? Our pillows fill up with skin cells, dirt and dander, just like our beds. This is the reality of our body on a daily basis, in addition they also collect sweat and even saliva which can damage our pillow. Of course, using pillowcases helps as they will catch most of these "snags". You can easily wash the pillow protector with your sheets, but remember that to prolong the life of your pillow, you will need to wash it.