For decades, women (and some men) have braided their hair for a variety of reasons. Whether it's for fashion, for hair convenience, to keep your hair healthy and strong, or to prevent damage, it's clear that braids have a bright future.
Depending on the type or style of braids you choose, the braiding process can take up to several hours and may even require the help of several people.
Once you've spent a considerable amount of time making your braids perfect, you'll want them to stay flawless for as long as possible. Unless you can sleep upright, you may need to find a way to keep them intact. It is therefore essential to know some proven tips and tricks.
How to sleep with braids? Wrap them well
The best way to sleep with braids is to wrap your hair in a silk/satin scarf and bonnet at night.
Why silk/satin, you ask? Because materials such as cotton and other rough fabrics are damaging to the hair, and they will also contribute to your braids not lasting as long. As you toss and turn in your sleep, the hair in your braids will create friction and come out of the braid. After just a few nights they will start to look frizzy. Silk and satin help avoid this problem.
Differences for different braid styles
As you have seen in different hair trends, not all braid styles are the same. With different braids, there are slight variations on how you should wrap them at night. In addition, with different variations, different wrap configurations are also available):
- Using a square scarf, folded at the corners to form a triangle
- Using any style of folded scarf to create a long rectangle
Medium to long braids
- Part your hair into two parts, one half on each side of your head, and secure them with a ponytail holder.
- Cross each section over one another across the back of your head to the opposite side, wrapping them around the front of your head or as far forward as possible. Secure both sides with another scrunchie in front.
- Use your silk hair wrap to hold them in place.
- For extra protection against braid slippage, place a bonnet over the scarf or wrap it around.
The process of rolling your hair up and keeping it in place can be a little tricky and takes some practice, so don't get frustrated when the braids move or slip!
For extra-long braids, continue wrapping in opposite directions until your braids are wrapped all the way to the ends.
short braids
For short braids, the idea is usually the same as the most crucial part is protecting your scalp hair.
- For very short braids (shoulder length and shorter), you can wrap a silk scarf around the front of your head, tying the ends at the base of your hairline. From there, you can either tuck the third corner (if using the triangular shape) under the outer edges or place your beanie over the scarf (if using the long rectangle shape).
- If you have braided cornrows (braids that follow the scalp), wrap the remaining loose or braided hair around your head and secure with a scarf. Avoid pinning hair on the cornrows as this will start to loosen the hair at the scalp.
Dutch and French braids
When it comes to Dutch and French braids, you can sleep a little easier! For these, you can simply use your silk scarf tied tightly around your scalp to the base of your head, under the back braid(s).
For this style, you don't need to use a beanie if you don't have one, but a triangle scarf will give your hair the most coverage.