The symbolism of water contains a very important message for the dreamer which is unveiled to the conscious via the unconscious. Water can be interpreted differently due to the content and nature of the dream. A clear understanding of the location, area and water condition all influence the meaning of the dream.
In most cases, water touches the inner emotional state of mind of dreamers. For most people who might not fully understand their emotions, water can mimic emotions that can be felt or repressed.
Dreaming of water flowing from the tap: What meanings?
The dripping faucet dream symbolizes the flow of your life and the attitude you have during events. When you dream of rivers, you need to pay attention to the weather, the surroundings of the river, the activities you are doing, and your general emotions surrounding the dream.
A river on a sunny, calm day symbolizes joyful pleasures, peace, prosperity and fertility. Nevertheless, dreams of a fast flowing river can symbolize a turbulent phase in your life. The river's water flow becomes unpredictable and wild, signaling obstacles and uncertainties.
Water flowing from the tap in dreams symbolizes the ability to access the universal resource. The success lies in the fact that it is possible to open and close the tap. This indicates the dreamer's ability to settle his affairs.
Dreaming of clear water
Dreaming of clear water may symbolize our internal feelings and how we emotionally react to life. The lesson you can learn from this dream is that it is good for the water to be clear, and if so, it might indicate that purification will basically take place in your life.
If somehow the water in your dream is choppy, it may represent difficulty in controlling emotions. In this case, the dream could be bad. There is a lot of water study material online and written in old books and it becomes very difficult to fit everything you come across into a dream. Most of us believe that water is related to our emotions.
Dreaming of clear blue water
When you dream of clear blue water it signifies that you are allowing your emotional side to take over your emotions in waking life. Dreaming of turbulent water indicates that emotions are out of control.
Dreaming of seeing rough seas may indicate a worrying time ahead, but you will get there in the end. Try not to let your emotions control your mind. Thinking about how you will react to words and actions over the next few months will be important.
This dream is related to overreacting to yourself or others. You need to take back control of your life. Give your heart a break and listen to your rational mind for once. Always remember that you can never stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
Dream about flowing water
Dreaming of flowing water portends a period of stabilization. This dream indicates that you may feel more relaxed than usual and all thanks to a new positive state of mind.
Think of life as water - no one can stop it from running and the best way to live is to relax and let life take you where you need to be.