Fish is not only found on menus as a popular food. In many legends, stories, myths and religions, this vertebrate appears in important roles that can sometimes be threatening. For example, it can emerge from great depths and devour everything in its path.
There are many types of fish: common edible fish such as trout, carp, sturgeon, perch, pike, herring, mackerel or salmon, but also odd-looking animals such as anglerfish , eel, swordfish or bearded dragonfish of the deep dark sea called abyss. The seahorse is also a fish. There is even a zodiac sign called "Pisces".
Now, if a fish appears in a dream, it is advisable to take a closer look at the interpretation of it, because the details are of great importance.
Dreaming of fish - the most common dreams
Dream of seeing a fish
Anyone who sees a fish in a dream can be happy, because this dream represents a new start in life. Perhaps the dreamer has just undergone a difficult phase in his life.
He can now leave that behind and start a new phase of life full of hope. By the way, if the sleeper recognizes not just a single fish, but a whole shoal of fish, his happiness is even multiplied: in several areas of life now everything works as he wants.
Dreaming about catching fish with a net or a fishing rod
Dream about catching a fish with a fishing net
You are lucky if you have dreamed of a fishing net or a trap. Because it represents a moment of self-fulfilment. If the dreamer recognizes a fish there, then in the waking world he may have to do with a rival or envious person: the one who casts the fishing net in a dream and catches a fish with it is trying to outdo the other person or to hurt him. In this case, one must ask whether this approach is correct.
Dream about catching fish with a lot of patience
Such a dream of catching fish indicates pursuit of success, and a good inner balance in the waking world. The situation in this dream can also signal the dreamer to be more patient in life. In particular, if the dreamer sees large edible fish wriggling on the hook, this dream experience shows success in reality. Angling many fish signals success through hard work.
Dreaming of fish as a meal
To dream that the fish is boiled and prepared
In this type of dream, the dreamer may have actually felt hungry before going to bed. Above all, this dream symbol is interpreted as a symbol of new challenges in the professional or private field.
These will likely give the person who is dreaming new knowledge and spiritual advancement. If the dreamer doesn't like fish at all, but still dreams of cutting and gutting it, he may face disappointments in waking life. He may also have to do chores he doesn't like.
Dreaming of fish soup
Preparing and eating fish soup is a lucky symbol. Especially the soup prepared from the boiled head of a fish, which is a positive sign: an event or a matter turns for the better, provided that the fish soup is tasty. However, if disgust prevails over the dreamer, he will have to deal with a problem that he caused himself on his own.
Dream about frying a fish
The dream of frying a fish in a frying pan signals to the person who dreams that he may soon receive an invitation to a big party. The dreamer probably did not expect this. Nevertheless, she should accept the invitation, because she may make many new acquaintances at the party. A fried fish in the pan, according to the general interpretation of dreams, also represents the prosperity and success in business.
Dream about grilling a fish
Dreaming of grilling a fish is usually an auspicious dream. The person who dreams can achieve success in the professional and private sphere. In addition, it is well balanced. From the point of view of the psychological interpretation of dreams, grilling a fish also means repressed sexual desires, mainly symbolized by the fire of the grill.
Dream about eating a fish whole or in sticks
If the dream is about eating a whole fish or delicious fish sticks, the person who dreams can assume thatshe will probably not suffer from illness in the near future.
After all, fish is considered a particularly healthy food. If women dream of eating a fish, it is also a sign of a trouble-free birth, while men can hope for happiness in their love life. If a fish stick is eaten in a dream, there is a desire to implement something that has been planned for a long time.
Dreaming of smelly or rotten fish
If the dreamer sees or "smells" a bad fish in their dream, it is important to pay more attention to their health in waking life. The symbol of this dream often represents the accelerated aging process. The affected person may not pay enough attention to their body, resulting in the smell or sight of rotten fish.
If the spoiled fish is offered by another person in a dream, important decisions should be avoided in the near future. Business may turn out to be rotten later on. If the dream is in the form of stranded and dead fish, then the wishes and plans of the sleeper may not come true.
Dreaming of fish components
Dreaming of fish scales
Fish scales are one of the central components of a fish. In a dream, they represent great financial gains, which may soon appear. The dreaming person can count on the fact that his professional life will go well in the future.
Dreaming of fish bones
Dreaming of fish bones refers the person who dreams to past experiences and events that continue to have an effect in the subconscious and with which the dreamer is always struggling. These can be memories of the ex-partner, but also childhood memories. Having a confidential conversation with a good friend can help put those things out for good.
Dreaming of fish eggs
If you dream of fish eggs, it is the sign of the beginning of a new phase of life. This will be characterized by great creativity for the dreaming person, which he can then fully experience. If the dreamer lives in a happy relationship, it is also possible that a child will come into the world.
Dream of fish according to places
Dreaming of fish on dry land
A dream experience in which fish lie dry or on land should be cause for concern for the dreamer. There may be an impending major conflict or financial thirst because business is not going well. Fish lying on the ground also indicate that the dreaming person may soon find himself in a strange environment to which he must get used.
Dreaming of fish in the water
When a fish is in water, it is in its natural habitat. Therefore, the dream symbol "fish in water" also represents the happiness, health and well-being of the dreaming person.
If fish swim in clear water, dreamers can hope to soon know famous and influential personalities. This could possibly be very useful for the career advancement of the sleeper.
You can see my article "dreaming of water" for more details.
Dreaming of fish in the sea
The sea has always represented a deep desire for freedom in dreams, independence and infinity. Also in the dream world, a fish swimming in the sea represents the dreamer's wish to break away from everyday life. He aspires to broaden their horizons and make new discoveries. The dreaming person remains calm and balanced like a fish in the great ocean.
Dreaming of fish in a river
If the fish are swimming in the river or stream during the dream, the state of the water is important for the exact interpretation of the dream. If the fish swims in a calm river course, the dreaming person can assume that his life is relatively pleasant and trouble-free. But if it is a dangerous and raging stream in which the fish swims, the dream can having to adapt to the obstacles of waking life.
Dreaming about a fish jumping in a lake
Fish in the lake or pond are a sign of a search for inner balance. At least that's the case when they're swimming in the clear water of the lake. If, on the other hand, the water in the pool is dirty or cloudy, problems in relationship life may await the dreamer. He must also be careful not to pass off foreign ideas and concepts as his own.
Dream about fish falling from the sky
If the dreaming person sees fish in the sky, it may initially be a very strange dream experience. The dream symbol draws the dreamer's attention to the hidden and subconscious sides of his personality. He should pay more attention to these traits in waking life because they could open up new opportunities for her that she hadn't suspected before.
If a fish swims through the air or falls from the sky, the dreamer may face conflicts at work because colleagues may want to harm him.
Then there could be dangers. If one dreams that it is downright raining fish from the sky, the dreamer is obviously a very emotional person. This strong emotionality can also be useful in certain situations, however, the person who dreams must take care not to neglect his spirit.
Dream of seeing a fish in an aquarium or a bowl
If one dreams of fish in an aquarium or in a glass, the exact interpretation of dreams depends on the condition of the fish. Big or gold fish represent success in the financial field. Perhaps the dreamer can also fulfill a long-held wish.
Small fish or dead fish in the aquarium, on the other hand, portend possible losses, for which the dreamer should be prepared. If the fish jumps out of the aquarium, a setback for the dreamer is indicated. A bad reputation is possible, whether through personal or professional events.
If the fish suffocates outside the aquarium, this symbolically represents the high hopes that the dreamer has in him without believing in it. It is therefore important to set new goals and remain optimistic. Those who implement their own abilities and possibilities more realistically in the future will rarely have to accept failures.
Other Fish Dreams
Dream about selling fish
The fish market with its market stalls is a place of commerce even in dreams. For the interpretation of dreams it is essential that the dreamer takes care of his image of himself when he dreams of the fish market. He can also reflect on his buying behavior and decide to live a little more frugally in the future.
Dream about being a fish
"Help, I'm a fish!" - You might say this to yourself only when you dream of being a fish yourself, maybe a long eel, a tuna or a ray. This dream symbol tells the person who is dreaming that they are busy with subconscious parts of her personality, which she suppresses in waking life or not perceiving it at all. In the dream, these character traits can be experienced and also visible through the transformation into a fish.
Dream about giving birth to a fish
Being pregnant with a fish is a very strange dream experience. This shows the person who is dreaming that he manages his personality in the subconscious. Plus, she's probably trying to find your inner balance. If a fish is born in the dream, it can also symbolize a successful new start in the dreamer's life.
Dreaming of Fish: General Interpretation
The fish is traditionally a symbol of hope and new beginnings. Depending on how the dream symbol appears, there are other interpretations:
If the fish swims in clear water, it is a sign that the dream establishes good relations with rich and influential people. The crankbait is usually a symbol of happiness and health, while small fish can represent worries or illnesses.
Big Pisces signifies a positive turn and gold Pisces fulfills hopes. A bad fish, on the other hand, symbolizes, among other things, low liveliness. A flying fish warns of false colleagues and dangers that may lurk in the evening. If you save a fish, for example because it threatens to choke on land, this dream experience symbolizes hope and optimism. Even in difficult times, the dream remains courageous.
Dream symbol "fish" - the psychological interpretation
Often the dream also catches fish. If there are many of them, he will become rich through his work, and if it is a single large fish, it symbolizes good business. However, if he catches a small fish, it means grief and if it is also a catfish, the enemies will cause him trouble from which only his intellect and luck can save him.
If one wants to catch fish with a harpoon in a dream, one may need to be prepared for times of conflict. If the dream sees the fish in a strange net fisherman or a screen in a fish shop, then difficulties are coming. A cold, slippery fish warns against hypocrisy and buying a fish should warn against fraud.
If the dream eats a fish, it means health or an easy birth for women, while men will be lucky with women. To see baby fish in a dream means that one is still unconsciously preoccupied with past events - although one thinks that matters have already been checked off.
Fishballs often depict a good life in the real world as a dream. If dead fish appear in a dream in an aquarium, they symbolize the loss of influence and wealth and if the dream is devoured by a fish, then it is an indication of mental problems and helplessness he is experiencing in waking life.
The psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung interprets the fish symbol of the dream as a symbol of the self, that is to say of the consciousness and the subconscious. If someone dreams of a fish in the pond or in the sea, they will be shown to have access to the unconscious. Just as fish can suddenly emerge from great depths, other things can also come to the surface from the unconscious.
A fish in the dream therefore always represents the emotional aspects of the dream, which rather acts under the control of feelings. It can also be an indication of the driving forces of the dream, which it suppresses too strongly. If one dreams that one is oneself a fish, for example a trout or an anglerfish, then Carl Gustav Jung interprets this as a possibility of rejuvenation and renewal of the dream at the source of life.
Dream symbol "fish" - the spiritual interpretation
In spiritual interpretation, fish are a symbol of water as well as life and fertility. They symbolize spiritual power when they appear as a dream symbol and are in water.