Wolves are associated with cunning, agility to get what they want. They are precise and very feared: a wolf physically resembles man's best friend: the dog, but he is far from being the same. A wolf is cruel when he hunts his prey, he thinks only of satisfying his primary need.
For this reason, when you are dreaming of a wolf, you must be very attentive to the details of the dream, because these characteristics of the wolf are in you, in your surroundings or in both cases, a deep evaluation of yourself or the people you build relationships with is recommended.
A dream with wolves is very indicative of a strong character and undeniable tenacity. If you have adverse circumstances, you always come out gracefully. Let's see some interpretations that will interest you
Dreaming of a wolf: You and the wolves
To dream that a wolf is chasing you
You are a person who shows great fear of the situations that are presented to you in different contexts. Breaking emotional ties makes you feel very lost. Friendship is essential for you and this type of situation disarms you completely. (See dream of being sued).
People who are under a stressful and worrying situation usually have such dreams where persecution is the key. Sometimes it is necessary to have a dream that triggers immediate action to solve problems.
To dream that a wolf bit you
You must be very careful with your actions because you are surely hostile to certain people in your immediate environment. It is important that you recognize how you enter relationships, they usually fill you up and they react in drastic ways that affect others.
If you have dreamed that you were bitten by a wolf, but he does not attack but is in his own habitat, it means that whoever attacks you does it to defend himself from any aggression you have committed by word or action towards him. In this case, someone is attacking you because they feel mistreated by you.
Dream about howling like a wolf
You are a very enthusiastic person who always likes to be active.e, you don't like passivity, you don't like anonymity, you attract attention whenever you can.
You have quite a strong personality and attract attention with your gestures, words and actions. You are not afraid of problems, you face them with courage. Sometimes people around you take you as a reference to set an example in something specific, because you have become a person worth emulating.
Dreaming of eating surrounded by wolves
If in this scenario you feel comfortable, it is an excellent sign because this is a good time to start new projects. If in your work environment, for example, there are people who are in the same search as you, do not fear this competition, because your project will shine with its own light, without harming the energy of others. (See dreaming of eating).
If you are afraid in this scene in front of the wolves and you want to run away from this place, it means that some people around you do not like you well. You are very vulnerable to external situations and you must know how to take care of yourself because many eyes are on everything you do.
Dreaming about a wolf growling at you
This dream is a call to the deepest part of you to awaken your potentials and fear nothing. You should not be afraid and your best guide is courage. If you're not feeling very brave yet, you should make an effort to test yourself against things that aren't so simple. You will see that you have a lot of strength within you.
If you see that there are problems that are clouding your path, do not feel bad at first, it is recommended to go to what we say here, this dream means that you are very brave, but you did not not tested in a situation necessary to find out.
Dream of killing a wolf
If you put this animal down, it means that is exactly what you were able to do with the people in your life who do not generate anything positive. There are too many people in your life and you knew how to keep them at bay, because they pull you down.. These are perhaps toxic people who must necessarily be left out. "See Dreaming of Death").
This dream also connects you to a reflection related to your past behaviors. It is possible that you were not very comfortable with the ways of being, you see this problem solved. The dream is a symbol that you are eliminating what has bothered you internally. In other words, it's a big step for your personal growth.
At this point, you can feel good about having started a very positive process of change for yourself. It is fitting that, being strengthened, you embark on new paths through projects that give you the opportunity to show your achievements.
Dreaming about seeing a wolf and being sad about it.
You are very distracted and your inner strength is fading . You don't feel strong in everyday life, you see the problems and you are afraid. You have to strengthen yourself internally. Maybe you have been through times of great stress and right now you feel very fragile.
Dream of seeing a wolf eating
You should check who you meet, because it seems that very bad people with bad deeds are around you. They take advantage of you because they see that this way they can move forward. Some people feel bad because they see that you are very bold in your business and they envy your ways.
You surround yourself with people who take advantage of your intelligence or your position, whether social or economic, they want to strengthen themselves from the personal possibilities available to you.
Types of wolves in dreams
Dreaming of wolf cubs
You are a protective person. People around you feel safe with you. You love children or helpless people and offer them attention. You know how to guide people who have doubts.
Wolf dog dream
You will have bad news or find out the truth about someone who seems like your friend but isn't. This affair will generate a lot of regret because this person has done you good and you would never have imagined such an action on his part against you.
To be among people who appear to be dogs, but deep down they are wolves, is very striking, it is a sign that you have not been discerning enough to know who to put in your circle of friends. (See Dreaming of Dogs).
Dreaming of a mother wolf
This dream symbolizes that you have full protection, that you are not alone and that you always have the protection of someone who loves you, for example, your parents. You should not be afraid of an urgent situation because you will have the support you need.
You are a person with excellent feelings towards family, so everything is positive for you. You don't have big problems because you create great relationships and you know how to cultivate them.
The behavior of wolves in your dreams
Dreaming of a lone wolf
You are a totally independent person, you like to solve your affairs alone without the help of others, you don't like to tell your personal stories and you prefer to distance yourself from others. You share with other people for the purpose of socializing, but not to seek someone to accompany you or comfort you.
This dream is interpreted as a sign of coming of age where you really enjoy introspecting every subject you have to live in, looking internally for your own answers and always getting a learning from every scenario you find yourself in.
Dreaming of a wolf chasing its prey
This dream reveals your will to achieve what you want. Your effort will always have an end and you will see that end materialize. You are very intelligent and persistent, so it is easy for you to project plans and carry them out.
Dreaming of wolves walking in packs
You have doubts about someone in your closest environment. This person has given you indications that he is not faithful and therefore you are a bit on the prowl, waiting for his evil deed to show up. You are perceptive and you are easily aware of what is going on in your surroundings. You know how to tell the good from the bad.
This dream also means that you are a person who is very attached to family and true friends and you like to plan outings with them to share. Being in a group makes you feel safe and comfortable.
Dreaming of a wolf in the snow
This dream with snow indicates that you are a person of great temperance to face very difficult situations, that you adapt easily to inhospitable places or places that do not suit your habits. You know how to change the environment and you stick to it. Cold places don't scare you, you love them and appreciate them.
It is possible that this dream was favored by a heavy rain that occurs while you are sleeping or a very penetrating cold and the feeling you feel is freezing, then you dream like this.
Dreaming of a wolf next to the moon
You like the nightlife, you know like the night outside the house in places where you are not very safe. The nightlife is calling you. (See Dreaming of Moon).
Dreaming of an aggressive wolf
You face challenges with total courage. You are very brave and you are not afraid of obstacles. You have wonderful potential within you and you need to let it surface. If you want to achieve goals, you must have a lot of courage to overcome difficulties step by step.
The aggressiveness of the wolf represents your strength to face everything without any fear, you do not paralyze yourself in the face of adversity because you are very sure of yourself and you show it precisely in the face of the challenges presented to you.
Dream of hearing a wolf howl
You need to communicate. Certain situations concern you and are related to your health, your work environment or your family and at that time, these situations call for action to push them back. What the dream is telling you is that without your action the situation cannot be resolved.
You have a great responsibility at this time. You will not be able to escape anything that is happening right now, so you will have to face it. Problems rumble through your mind and don't leave you alone, so you need to nip such situations in the bud.
The color of wolves in your dreams
Dreaming of a white wolf
It's a dream that brings a great message, it connects you with your spiritual world, with that part of you that is the highest and with which you stand out in the midst of the different environments in which you find yourself.
You are a person who has very positive qualities and therefore you are very well surrounded by people who appreciate you. Everyone likes to have someone as a friend who is tolerant, collaborative, charismatic, sincere, among many other qualities that you potentially possess.
To have a dream of a white wolf indicates that you are truly an admirable person worthy of imitation, you become an example for many. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain, above all, the humility and simplicity that characterize you so as never to fall into arrogance.
Dreaming of gray wolf
In your life, there is a balance between the very earthly and the very spiritual . There are two planes, the physical and the spiritual, which are very well guided in your life. You don't have much trouble with the very practical problems of everyday life or with the problems that have to do with the mystique of the universe, with the mysteries of life, emotions, beliefs, etc.
Dreaming of a brown wolf
You have a great need for affection . And at the same time you want the opportunity to give it to someone, you know perfectly well how important the love of others is.
Black wolf dream
You must be very prepared because an imminent danger hangs around you . You are going to live a moment of anguish and despair because of a painful situation. It can be related to an illness or an attack. Black is often negative in dreams.