We associate money with wealth, material possessions and possessions, the ability to travel and fulfill dreams… but what else does money symbolize? We are going to know its meaning and symbolism according to the details of the dream, to deepen the meaning of dreaming about money.
Dreaming about money: what does it mean?
We know that in the content of dreams the material world appears symbolically to represent certain things. In the case of money, what does it mean to dream of it?
In real life and also in the world of dreams, money represents all kinds of material wealth. The reality is that with money we can achieve many of our dreams. However, when it comes to the interpretation of his dreams, it is not the same.
Money, in the world of dreams, is interpreted as a kind of personal energy, which allows us to get the things we need, but also whims.
In general, dreaming of money is a means available to the unconscious to express our personal energy. This energy is what allows us to carry out our actions. So, what is happening with the money in the dream is of great importance in making the interpretation.
On the other hand, there are those who believe that the economic concerns we have in conscious life or "real life" can act as a trigger for the formation of these dream images, which involve dreaming about money. .
Dreaming of Money: Energy and Creativity
Thus, in the dream world and according to the various dream interpretation manuals, there is a consensus that dreaming of money has to do with the personal energy and creativity of the person who possesses it.
The different money dreams
Now we are going to see together different types of dreams that we can have in relation to money and the interpretations to be made of them. As we will see, each of these possibilities hides a different meaning:
Dream about accumulating money
To dream of the money we accumulate means that a sum is about to arrive, and also imminently. It is also linked to the threat of a possible loss of it.
Dream about counting money
To dream that we are counting money means the possibility of good profits to come.
Dream about finding money
Who hasn't dreamed of finding money? Although we can dream it "in life", in the dream world it can also happen! This type of dream is connected with an optimal omen, so its interpretation is very positive.
To dream of finding treasure, or a lot of money, with fear that others will see us taking it, is related to illicit gain.
On the other hand, to dream that one buys something and that one recovers more money in exchange, means that the things which one recently acquired have a greater value than one imagined, in the sense material, sentimental and/or moral.
Dream about earning money
Dreaming about the money we earn, that is, dreaming that we earn a lot of money, has to do with the small inconveniences that we have on a daily basis, although it is easy to solve.
Dream about spending money
On the other hand, dreaming of spending money, or even wasting it, in the dream world is interpreted as follows: ruin will come soon (the meaning is the same as dreaming of accumulating money).
Dream about losing money
It can also happen that we dream of losing money. In this case, the dream is interpreted as a sign of bad luck and possible danger in our life. It is also linked to the fear of losing something very precious to us in “real life”.
Dream about lending money
Dreaming of lending money is related to a difficult moment in our life, which we are going through (or who will come), but which we will overcome quickly.
More specifically, dreaming of giving money to those who need it most is an act of gratitude towards life, which strengthens our spirit. This is interpreted in this way especially when the emotional framework in which we are immersed "in life" demonstrates it.
Dream about eating money
To dream of eating money -although it may seem strange, it is possible-, signifies the arrival of a serious illness (remember that the interpretation of dreams must always be taken with caution, because the world of dreams is not a science, let alone an exact science).
Dream about seeing money moving
It is common to dream of money passing from one hand to another. Dreaming of money spiraling out of control, for example, it can be interpreted as the loss of energy that happens to us in the presence of other people.
If, on the contrary, in the dream, we keep earning more and more money, it can mean that we clearly feel lacking in energy, so that we become insatiable people in this sense.
Dreaming of debts
In relation to the dream of money, another dream appears which can also be related, and it is the fact of dreaming of possible debts.
Thus, dreaming of being in debt is related to the fact that in conscious life we do not let's not take into account some people who have helped us throughout our lives. On the other hand, in life debts can become a heavy emotional burden, which is the same in the dream.
Such thinking can prevent us from interacting properly with others. Thus, dreaming of debts is in a way warning us, at an unconscious level, that we must be vigilant in the face of this type of situation.
On the other hand, the material world can also generate dream images, so the mere fact that we have forgotten the small debts we have generates great inner restlessness, so that we remember debts in dreams .
Other authors of the dream world consider that dreaming of a debt means that someone remembers the injustices suffered. If in the dream we seem to pay a debt, it means that after a discussion with someone we will come to an agreement. On the other hand, dreaming that we have a debt means that our instability does not scare us, and seeing a debtor in a dream means that someone trusts us.