In dreams, walking is an action full of deep and metaphorical meanings. Walking is a symbol of evolution and our advancement in life, it is what allows us to take a path and initiate our changes, whether physical or spiritual.
What does it mean to dream of walking?
The very fact of walking, symbolically speaking, indicates the potential we ourselves have to move forward in everyday life, thus choosing what to do and where to go, but not only.
For example, dreaming of walking down a street or any other place our unconscious presents to us may represent our choices, the decisions made, good or bad, and the life we lead for better or for worse. All this based on the symbology presented to us by the unconscious, i.e. the type of road, how we walk, if we are with someone, if we are going somewhere, etc.
The location and direction of the march
Dream about walking uphill
If we are facing a rise, it means that our life is heading for the top. (See Dreaming of Eating). But we must be aware that to get there, a series of sacrifices and hard work are necessary. We will have to try harder to achieve the expected results, but we will not regret it, because we will reach the top.
In case we try too hard, we should ask ourselves if this is the right path for us and if it is worth it or if we have to change the path.
Dream about walking downhill
Walking downhill can be of great help to us and make the path easier, giving us an extra boost. In dreams it means that everyone work we have done so far has paid off. Surely if we have gone through a difficult period, the descent will facilitate the situation.
However, you still have to be very careful: the descent can facilitate a path, but that does not mean that we have a smooth road. A contrary meaning can be given by an imbalance of social status and therefore a loss compared to what has been acquired so far. Are the glory days coming to an end?
Dream of walking on the sea
The water and the sea, in the world of dreams, reflect who we are and our energy. Facing the calm and serene sea indicates a stable period for us, full of tranquility and above all of spirituality.
On the contrary, the rough sea is the symbol of an abrupt and very difficult period. The sea is not always stable, so you have to be very careful. If there are currently many changes in our life, we must manage them very carefully, because at any moment something could change. This symbology is often represented as the balance of a personality who knows how to manage with the right doses between his conscious, the unconscious and instinct.
Dream about walking by the sea
Being by the sea can indicate that the person is identified with the positive energy of water.
Dream about walking in dirty water
This means that we came into contact with our darkest unconscious in which all our brutality is present, the flaws that are part of our personality and the mistakes made. It is to understand that we cannot escape the darkest part of ourselves, but that we must accept it as part of ourselves.
Dream about walking in the rain
Rain is a symbol of strong melancholy and sadness: if we dream of walking in the rain, it may reflect the mood with which we face our way. Maybe we need to let off steam and get rid of those negative emotions that make us feel bad. However, rain is also a symbol of fertility - just think that when it rains, the earth is fertilized. Rain is also purifying and can also indicate self-transcendence.
To dream of walking in the rain with an umbrella signifies that we are always ready and that we know how to face obstacles that may block our path. Even though there may be things going against us, we are always ready to come out of it.
Dream about walking on ice
The ice represents an obstacle that we must be prepared to face. Many times we will run the risk of encountering various difficulties, but we must not be demoralized by them and we must try to continue even if the results are not the best. Ice can also be a symbol of our rigid and cold character; maybe we need to learn to manage ourselves and change our attitude and the way we handle things a bit.
Dream about walking on snow
Walking on snow can be symbolic vis-à-vis our person: it means that we face our "paths", life, with a certain coldness and rigidity. We must learn to open up a little more and not isolate ourselves. Jung also argued that snow invokes a coldness of soul and a strong blockage when it comes to our intimate relationships. (See Dreaming of Snow).
Dream about walking in fire
Fire is a symbol of energy and passion. It is an element full of very deep meanings; dreaming of walking in flames is a symbol of rebirth and transformation. In fact, fire is a purifying element, which burns and transforms everything into ashes.
This means that we are living an important period of our lives, full of novelty and above all full of energy. The fire also indicates the strong passion that is part of our person. (See Dreaming of Fire).
Dream about walking in the mud
Walking in mud is a symbol ofhumiliation and degradation. If we've recently felt like we've suffered a big defeat or done a very unsatisfactory job, the mud also represents low self-esteem.
Dream about walking in shit
Human excrement is the symbol of all that is impure and dirty. It can affect both the way we face life and the path we choose to take. Dreaming of walking in the middle of feces will therefore not have a positive meaning, because it is something that makes us feel dirty and above all humiliated. If we have done something bad or embarrassing, which can affect us for a long time, then the dream reflects our state of shame.
Dream about walking in the fog
We must consider the fog as an obstacle that prevents us from seeing clearly what we have in front of us. If we can't see well, we have no chance of seeing which way to go; this means that we need a lot of calm and concentration to be able to make our decisions well and handle the situation as we think best.
If we have to plan something big or if we are planning something that can be a big change in our life, then it is normal to feel lost on what to do. The important thing is not to despair and to find the best solution.
Dreaming of walking in the dark, at night, in the evening
The darkness brings out our most hidden fears and makes us feel disoriented and confused. If we walk in the dark, our state of mind is never peaceful and we face everything that happens to us with much more anxiety. Perhaps we live in a time of stress; darkness makes us realize that we need to clarify things. If we made a decision in haste, or without considering all the possibilities, we should stop everything and postpone everything.
Dreaming about walking on the grass in a meadow or in a wheat field
Grass is directly connected to the earth and like the latter, it is reminiscent of nature. If we are too obsessed with control, a nice green lawn can calm and relax us.
It may be what we need to give us a feeling of tranquility. A walk on a lawn or even in a garden gives us a strong feeling of serenity. The unconscious may want to tell us to go back to our roots.
To dream of walking in tall grass is a symbol of the prerogative of sight. The tall grass does not allow us to see well, therefore, there is something that at the moment does not help us to have a clear picture of the situation we are facing.
Dream about walking in the mountains
The mountain is a symbol of obstacles to overcome. To reach the top, we must be ready to climb with a lot of effort and to make many sacrifices. The mountain, however, can also be a symbol of tranquility: perhaps we need a period of solitude for ourselves (also to dedicate ourselves to meditation).
Dream about walking in a forest
The forest is a symbolically very deep dream image because it indicates our fears and recalls feelings of anxiety and confusion within us. If the forest we dreamed of is very dense, full of trees and very dark, then we need to be careful. This image is synonymous with a very difficult time we are going through. We have been confronted with our deepest fears and we must find the courage to face them, they are the ones that hinder us and do not allow us to continue on the road with peace of mind. The forest can also be the symbol of a call to nature. This wood will obviously look much more inviting and that means we need to take time for ourselves and walk carefree and peaceful.
Dreaming of walking on stones, pebbles, rocks
Stones in dreams can be a symbol of some obstacles we will encounter on our way. Small stones will indicate easily surmountable obstacles; the largest, symbolized by large stones, which require some strength, are the symbol of the efforts we must make to be able to continue on our way.
The rocks that must be climbed or overcome always remind us of the obstacles that life presents to us and that we must be ready to overcome; when we succeed, however, we will surely feel even more satisfied and stronger than before.
Dream about walking on pieces of glass
The glasses are particularly fragile and when they are broken or in pieces they are a symbol of ourselves: they are a symbol of our person, destroyed, going through a difficult period. Glass breaking can also indicate the end of something (like a romantic relationship). If one dreams of stepping on pieces of glass, they can be seen as obstacles to be overcome; they can also be the result of a confrontation or the end of a course that did not succeed.
Dream about walking in the desert
The desert is a symbol of our state of mind, if for example, we feel very alone or if we are facing difficulties. But if this scene arouses curiosity in us, maybe it means we have a strong urge to travel and go to some exotic place. The desert can also be a symbol of loneliness, but not as a feeling of abandonment. Maybe we need to disconnect a bit and go as far as possible.
Dream of walking on a bridge:
The bridge symbolically represents the transition from one phase of life to another (for example the transition from adolescence to adulthood). If we cross the bridge with a serene and calm state of mind, it means that we will be able to face everything very calmly and we will obtain excellent results, without much effort.
However, if we encounter many difficulties in getting to the other side of the bridge, it could mean that we are not yet ready to welcome the news that we will encounter on the other side.
The bridge can also be a symbol of physical union and therefore can also be a clear reference to our intimate relationship. If we meet someone on the bridge, we have to be very careful: maybe these people can give us wise advice and maybe they are the ones who will help us during this time of change.
Dream about walking on train tracks
Railway tracks are a symbol of choices we face. Tracks are what mark the path we have chosen to undertake and attack: if we are in company, it means that the chosen path does not concern us individually. Also, if in the dream we meet someone along the way, it means that we will not find ourselves alone and we will always have help when needed.
Dreaming of walking in the cemetery, on the graves
The call of death in dreams is very complex of interpretations, in this case we can give two types of meanings to this dream: in the first case, the cemetery or the graves, are a symbol of mourning for us. If we've recently lost someone who was a part of our life and we can't get over it, it's normal to dream of something that takes us back to that moment.
In the second case, take a walk in the cemetery recall the past. Graves, in fact, are a symbol of everything that has already happened and that we have put aside: they can be the symbol of old friendships or love stories. Undoubtedly the cemetery also gives us sadness or anguish, it can provoke a strong nostalgia, but we must not let ourselves be discouraged by this. It is time to look further and move forward.
Dream of stepping on a flange or a precipice
The precipice or the edge are elements that transmit a state of strong agitation and fear: fear is due to falling into the void. Symbolically, this means that we have many difficulties in moving forward and in coping with current events.
The precipice and the fear of falling, however, are also the symbol of an imbalance which can refer to a period of little stabilityé (which can be in reference to our love life, at work or even to our economic situation).
Dream about walking and falling
Dreaming of walking and falling can be a clear symbol of loss of balance. However, our downfall can also be moral, for example if we are reminded or blamed for having done something wrong. The fall is also the symbol of the uncertainties and difficulties that we may encounter on our way. (See Dreaming of Falling).
Dream about walking in the air
If we dream of lifting ourselves off the ground, being in the air, it can mean that we are people who aspire to many things. We would like to be able to reach the top and be able to give the best of ourselves. (See Dreaming of Flying).
At the same time, however, the desire to reach the top also creates a strong feeling of dissatisfaction in us, because it means that we feel that we have not yet achieved any goal that is really important to us.
This dream is also a symbol of those who feel held back and want to be able to break free.
Dreaming of walking home
This indicates may - being the need to return to one's origins, to one's childhood; maybe you miss it. This, of course, depends on the sensations and emotions experienced during the dream vision. The interpretation of the dream very much depends on the description of the house. The house can be equivalent to the personality or the human body.
The house in dreams provides a lot of information about the dreamer, sometimes presenting an accurate picture of the dreamer's personality and the moment we are living in; therefore the appearance of the house in dreams and the way it presents itself and the emotions that the sight of it arouses in the dreamer, are all elements to be taken into consideration and which can radically change the reading and therefore the interpretation of symbolism.
Dreaming of walking and never arriving at your destination
This dream will cause a feeling of anguish in us. If we fail to see a goal or walk aimlessly, it means that we are going through a very confusing time.
We haven't made a major decision yet and we need to start becoming a bit more responsible. This type of dream can also provoke in us the fear of never being able to reach the end of our path.
The way to walk in the dream
Dream of walking on all fours, on your knees
If you find yourself crawling or walking on your knees, it is a symbol of a lack of balance. We don't have the energy or the skills to be able to take this path. We must first try to work on our person to continue.
However, crawling can also be a reminder of our animalistic and primitive instincts: symbolically, it would mean letting go of our overly rational side and getting carried away by our instincts. Maybe we would like to be children again?
Dream about walking with your hands
Hands are a symbol of work and creativity. If we dream of walking with two hands, it means that we are planning something very demanding and on which we will work for a long time; moreover, the needles indicate a very great creative activity.
Hands are the symbol of those who can handle (or handle) a situation well; however, they are also a symbol of those who enjoy manual labor. You are tightrope walkers and you know how to manage each situation well, even in the event of difficulties.
Dream of walking in balance
It is a symbol of little balance. It reflects how we handle life situations, it means that we are very disorganized people and tend to change our minds easily. We need to be more decisive when making decisions and strive to end a situation when necessary.
It can also be a symbol of strong uncertainty: many times we question our choices. If we are no longer sure about a project, we should try to stop for a moment and reassess the situation, before ending it.
Dream about walking with crutches
Crutches, which support us when we cannot walk alone, reflect a very weak and insecure character. These dreams are for people who cannot go their own way; maybe we need to start trying to walk alone and move forward alone, without questioning all our choices.
If we dream of someone we know walking on crutches, we may feel responsible for hurting them or having hurt them. If this is not the case, it means that we do not have a good opinion of this person, but that we consider him weak and unable to face his own challenges.
Dream of walking lame
If we are injured or dream of not having a leg, it is usually a symbol of instability. It can refer not only to our person, and therefore to our attitudes, but it can also express outward insecurity. This lack or deprivation makes us feel inferior or unsure of ourselves. We definitely don't face life (or anything about us) with force and vigor.
Dream about not being able to walk , or, Dream about not walking well
The inability to move or the fact of not even being able to walk in the right direction are the signs of a difficult moment in which one cannot move forward and make the right decisions. Dreaming about not being able to move is a typical obstacle dream.
To dream of not being able to walk expresses our inability to continue. We must try to understand what is blocking us: it can be an external force and therefore does not depend directly on us, or something that comes from our inner self.
In other not rare cases: it could be a phenomenon known as nocturnal paralysis. During sleep, the brain "disconnects" the motor connection to the muscles, presumably to prevent movements made in the dream from turning into real movements. However, when you are in a state of semi-sleep, it can happen, and it is perfectly normal, that you cannot move.
Dream about walking with difficulty
When one dreams of being tired, it usually expresses how one really feels: if it is a very tiring period and we feel stressed and lacking in strength, then our situation in the dream will reflect our true weakness. If we have chosen to embark on a very difficult or too demanding path, then perhaps we need to remind ourselves from time to time to take a break to devote ourselves a little to ourselves.
Dream about walking slowly
It often happens to feel behind in life, with our projects, with our relationships or even with work. If we feel like we forgot something or didn't finish it in time, it's normal to imagine ourselves slower than others.
We need to start becoming more responsible and working harder, especially to deliver on the serious commitments we have made. In other cases, our slow walking may be a warning: if we are in too much of a hurry, we need a break and approach things with a certain calm.
Dream about walking for a long time
Dreaming of walking for a long time can mean that we have to be ready to devote ourselves fully to our new projects, because they require some attention. If we are people who tend not to finish a job, it means we have to work harder and not procrastinate or be distracted.
Walking for a long time also means that this “path” that we have chosen or that we have to walk will be quite difficult. Most likely, you do not see the end of the path taken or perhaps you have lost sight of the goals set.
Dream about walking fast
Are you in a hurry? are you eager to achieve your goal? or are you running away from something and you don't want others to notice?
Appearance in the dream
Dream about walking under - clothing , or, Dream about walking without pants
The interpretation is somewhat similar to that of being naked in a dream. Being very common as a dream, one must first dwell on the negative or positive sensations that the dream vision has generated. In the first case, we probably feel emotionally vulnerable at this time, or inadequate for the role we should fill. All of this can stem from a lack of self-esteem.
In the second case, even if rarely, on the contrary, dreaming of being naked can indicate a desire for freedom and naturalness (even in relationships and lifestyle). Both according to Freud's and Jung's psychology, being naked in dreams is a representation of a social maladjustment that can stem from inferiority complexes. In other cases, it is associated with a repressed erotic desire, therefore the dream arises to compensate for the sexual and emotional frustrations of the dreamer.
Dream about walking in socks
Socks are a symbol of practicality and comfort. They can also make us feel safe and protected from something that might bother us.
Dream about walking downstairs
If a woman is dreaming instead of wearing stockings, it could be a clear reminder of her way of dressing: maybe she feels the need to take better care of herself - or maybe that means she cares too much about herself appearance.
Dream about walking in pajamas
These dreams can be a symbol of a scruffy person who does not take care of himself; they can also reflect a person who does not know how to commit to serious work or projects.
There are times when slippers and pajamas mean that we need a break and we should think about relaxing without getting too tired, because maybe we have been working too much lately.
Dream about walking without shoes
Walking down the street barefoot may want to reflect our state of insecurity. If we are going through a difficult time and we feel very vulnerable, the chances of getting hurt will be greater.
Barefoot, we risk facing more dangers (thorns, cold and stones for example). It represents a very weak state of mind and it means that we are unsure of ourselves and the path we are facing. At the same time, however, the very fact of being barefoot in dreams can be a symbol of freedom.
Dream about walking in heels
The heels recall femininity. As clothes, they refer to how we present ourselves to people or how we handle certain situations (whether we are appearance-conscious people or not).
For women, however, heels also indicate discomfort; in fact, we have to be very careful and we have to be able to find the right balance. Very high heels will be a symbol of excess, while worn heels reflect our careless and reckless attitude.
Dream about walking with someone
Dream of walking entwined or arm in arm
Walking along the road with someone hugging is the symbol of a shared project. It means that our relationship with this person is so strong that we are ready to share something more. It can refer to the sentimental sphere: if we have been with someone for a long time, it can mean that we are now planning something bigger. The journey ahead will not only concern us, but also that special someone.
Dream about walking hand in hand
If we dream of walking hand in hand with someone, it usually means that between the dreamer and that person there is a strong bond. If it is someone with whom we have not yet established a specific relationship, it means it's time to define our relationship.
If it is someone with whom we have been involved for a long time, it means that we are ready to commit and embark on a new path, perhaps more serious than the previous one. If we dream of walking hand in hand with someone with whom there is no romantic relationship, it means that this person needs our support, or vice versa.
Dream about walking alone
It represents our state of mind. We feel very alone and abandoned and that probably means that we are facing a very difficult and complicated situation without anyone's help.
Dream about walking with a child
In this case, the interpretation of the symbolism Much depends on the actions performed and the description of the child.
Dream about walking with a friend, with someone
Walking a road with someone by your side means this project is not just about us; it can refer to a relationship, a job and/or even a romantic situation.
However, if we meet this person along the way, and they don't start the journey directly with us, it means that they are someone who can help us move forward.
If when we walk we meet more people, it means that we are not alone, that we are aware that when we need help, it will be given to us.
Dream about walking with a dead person
If a loved one appears in our dreams, now deceased, it may mean that we have not yet fully overcome this grief. Often, however, if we feel we need guidance, it is normal to dream of someone who is no longer there, but for us they were a point of reference. Maybe we we feel very confused and need help.
Dream about walking among the crowd
If we dream of a crowd of people who are around us and preventing us from walking or moving freely, it means that lately, we feel suffocated and we need to feel more serene and free.
If we work or live with people who oppress us, maybe we need to find the right way to make them understand. Often this type of dream is also a reminder of a strong period of stress: you have to find time to devote yourself to yourself.