Swimming in a pool is generally a positive dream and is related to health, material or spiritual evolution. Dreaming of swimming in a swimming pool, however, must be analyzed according to the details of the dream.
I therefore explain to you in this article what this dream means by making precise analyzes of this dream.
Dream about swimming in a swimming pool: General meaning
Generally speaking, this dream shows that he is possible to circumvent situations and achieve the goals you want to achieve in your real life. The clearer the water, the fewer difficulties there will be in achieving this.
The different meanings
To better interpret the dream you had, here are the most common dreams about swimming in a pool.
Dream about swimming in a dirty pool
The dirty represents the difficulties that will have to be overcome. Your ability to swim well shows how easily you overcome these barriers in real life. The dirtier the water, the greater the difficulties and vice versa.
Dirt is an element that represents what is in front of you in the dream world, but is not necessarily negative, it all depends on how you react to it in the dream.
Dream about swimming in a clean pool
To dream that you are swimming in a clean pool indicates that goals are easy to achieve, and that you manage to seize the opportunities that present themselves to you. The more fluently you swim, the more positive the meaning of the dream.
Dream about swimming in an old pool
You protect someone or something and take full responsibility for it. The question is whether all this is justified. Your subconscious does not create it for nothing in a dream and perhaps this burden is not justified and clutters your life too much.
Dream about swimming naked in a swimming pool
Nudity symbolizes leaving behind problems and negativity to move on to another phase of one's life. It is a form of carelessness.
Dream about swimming alone in the pool
You grow in your life and manage to overcome your insecurities on your own and your fears to move forward with your projects. You don't need anyone's help to move forward with your projects.
Dream about swimming in a pool with your clothes on
Your subconscious makes you understand through this dream that you must leave behind the hurts and feelings that interfere with your cravings. Leave the past behind.
Dream about swimming in an indoor pool
You is not connected to the outside world and you want to open up more to the people around you.
Dream about swimming in a public pool
The public swimming pool reflects the richness of your contacts if you are comfortable there and the reverse if you are uncomfortable there because of the world. The relationship to others is the central element of the dream.
Dreaming about swimming in a pool that is not filled with water
The dream here reflects a lack, usually milk replaces water in this type of dream. You would like more material abundance in your life.
Dream about swimming in a swimming pool without effort
Success is fast approaching and you manage your life optimally which brings you happiness and ease in your life.
Dreaming about having trouble swimming in the pool
You find it difficult to move forward and difficulties seem to overwhelm you, leaving you totally immobile and unable to move forward.
Dream about swimming underwater in the pool
Being underwater in dreams always indicates that you feel overwhelmed by your emotions;
Dream about swimming in a pool of cold water
You will learn something crucial how your subconscious feels about your future progress, the cold is not negative.
Dream about swimming in a small pool
Swimming in a small pool symbolizes that the objectives to be achieved are small in scale, dreaming of swimming in a large pool shows that your plans are big.
The final word
Dreaming of swimming in a swimming pool, as with all dreams, depends on the details of the dream, so analyze the elements of your dream well so that you can make the most clear and precise interpretation possible.