Dreams are many and we have many of them every night, although they may seem fanciful and meaningless to us, in fact they all have a meaning which is a reflection of our state of mind and what we cross in the waking state. And knowing how to interpret them allows us to appeal to the unconscious part of our brain to make the best decisions in life.
For example, imagine you dreamed about being stabbed in the back in the dream, you might tell yourself that this dream is goofy, when in reality your subconscious part to detect possible signs of betrayal in real life, which does not are not perceived by your conscious. The interpretation of this dream can be valuable for you to take the right steps.
Another example is being chased, which is a sign from your subconscious mind that you're running away from problems instead of facing them, and which should also lead you to face things head on.
Thus, when you know how to interpret your dreams, you can use them to correct certain aspects of your life.
But in addition, some dreams allow you to validate certain points, for example, if you dream of a pregnant woman, the most common dream, it is a change, generally positive, but still depending on the context of the dream and the its events.
In this book, I guide you step by step so that you can interpret all your dreams, you can also help yourself from the other book provided with the precise interpretations of the most commonly done dreams to train you by example and even know the precise meaning of your dream if it is one of them.
What is a dream?
A dream is a state of consciousness that occurs during the phase of paradoxical sleep and which is the fruit of the subconscious, in total, a person dreams about 6 years in his life, that is to say two days every night.
These psychic phenomena are characterized by intense brain activity resulting in rapid eye movements, loss of muscle tone and the presence of unsynchronized brain waves.
The initial purpose of dreams (apart from the interpretation of dreams) is to restore the electrochemical balance of the brain, to prevent the overload of neural circuits and to store everything that has happened during the day.
They always have meaning, no dream is a coincidence and always matches your waking life situation.
Dream Interpretation: My Personal Experience
The interpretation of dreams is a very difficult task when one begins without any precise help on the subject.
It took me 2 years myself to get there almost mechanically and without any errors.
I first started by having snatches of dreams, vague memories.
So I decided to tackle the memory of dreams, trying first when I woke up and during the day. The results were beginning to be better even though I only had the general framework of the dream in mind, applying techniques from my imagination that were not proven in reality.
I then immediately wanted to know the interpretation directly, which I started to do with a dictionary of the meaning of dreams.
Unfortunately, I only had one general definition of dreams and often went unanswered because there are hundreds of thousands of different dreams after all.
So I learned how to interpret dreams so that I no longer have to help myself and be completely independent.
Finally, I improved my dream memory so that none of the details of my dreams escape me. I finally optimized my methods for remembering my dreams.
All this has resulted in a clear and precise methodology which I will tell you about right away.
How to analyze the dream?
My step-by-step methodology for total mastery in 30 days
The first step is to always dissect the dream, which you must do when you wake up before the dream memory fades, at least at the beginning, the rest will be different because you will be used to remembering your dreams.
This step makes it possible to establish the analysis of the dream by taking into account its different aspects, here is how to proceed step by step.
Note the details
Every detail is important in the dream. Start with the main elements, defining the frame of the dream. They too should be as detailed as possible. For example, if the main element is a bear near a water source, it is the details that will allow an accurate interpretation of the dream.
Was the bear brown, white, black? Was he aggressive or on the contrary peaceful? Was he drinking? As for the water, was it clean, dirty, with a strong current?
You will be able to begin to make a very precise analysis of it from these different elements that the subconscious never puts in place at random.
Details are often visual, but also pay attention to sounds, smells, and anything that touches your senses in the dream.
By writing down the first elements, your memories will become more and more precise and you will end up with a sufficiently high degree of precision to make a more precise interpretation.
Extract events
The context of the dream is important because it defines the dream. I will take up the dream of the bear here to be as precise as possible, the bear can both sleep and howl at you in the dream, which makes the interpretation different.
So take note of how all the animals and people in the dream act. Also note your own behavior and the specific actions of the dream.
To analyze events, the easiest method is the chronological method, which allows you to write down events as they unfold in the dream.
You can also go from the most striking to the least striking, allowing you to draw the foreground elements before forgetting them, which is more recommended for beginners.
Write down your emotions
The emotions felt are crucial in the dream and are a reflection of your emotion in real life when faced with a particular item. For example, the fear of taking a train reflects the fear of a new start in real life, such as a new job or a change of address due to a couple moving in.
Note your actions
Related to the emotions, your actions are the last fundamental part of the dream, you may have fled there, fought against it or remained completely passive.
Let's imagine a completely crazy dream in which you face a dragon, face it with fear means that you are ready to conquer your fears, face it without a doubt success is a sign of confidence, the degree of which will be determined by the outcome of the fight. For example, if the dragon triumphs, it is a sign that you are overestimating yourself.
Connect with reality
Dreams are always related to the waking state, the subconscious reflects this via dream images, for example if you are vomiting with difficulty, it reflects that you have released yourself from an emotional burden but experienced a lot of difficulty to succeed.
Sometimes the dreams are recurrent, then the subconscious is always immersed in the same thing which is often negative. For example, you may dream of losing money several times in a row, which reflects worry on your part about your finances or personal possessions.
If you have this dream every night, you absolutely have to act on a conscious level to avoid constantly thinking about it, which also makes things increasingly blurry.
Bonus: Use a table
One thing that allowed me to progress is to note it in the form of a table in a notebook with bulleted lists for each part allowing to have an integral point of view on the dream, here are the different parts of the table:
- The main elements: In the form of a single word, for example for the example that I took above, that gives (bear, brook….).
- The events : Everything that happened in the dream to have a simple reading of it in the form of a list (aggressive bear, more and more agitated stream….).
- The emotions : Your feelings can also be listed (increasing fear, desire to fight, etc.).
- The actions : What all the protagonists do (the bear approaches quickly, I yell at it…).
- The recurrence: Dreams that show elements that have already appeared in other dreams show something very important to you, it is fundamental to write them down.
- The message from the subconscious: Note what can be linked to reality, this is what I will detail in this book because this is what is fundamental to fully understand why you had this dream.
How to improve dream analysis?
My step-by-step methodology for total mastery in 30 days
At first, you will find it difficult to remember all your dreams and even for those that you do remember, many details will escape you when you wake up. Then you will absolutely have to practice so that all your dreams are crystal clear. Here's everything you need to put in place to make it happen.
Memorize your dreams when you wake up
The dream memory is fragile, especially when you start in lucid dreams, so as soon as you wake up, remember to remember your dreams with the method seen just above, as it will become a reflex and the dream memory will grow more and more.
You will eventually be able to trace the dream with precision and have on paper enough to trace absolutely everything that happens there.
Place a notebook on your bedside table to achieve this and do not take a digital medium such as a smartphone to avoid going too quickly into wake mode due to the brightness of the screen.
Writing down by hand is also more effective than writing down orally or via a touch screen.
Reread your dream journal
Rereading past dreams helps train one's dream memory, the brain rehashing its dreams and being better able to remember the details of its dreams when it is regularly immersed in them.
To be even more effective, you can recreate every detail of the dream when you visualize your past dream. For maximum effectiveness, do this before going to sleep.
Some people also like to redraw their dreams by rereading them or renoting them to immerse themselves as much as possible in these past dreams.
Use last cycle
The last cycle of sleep is the one that the brain remembers the most and it is therefore your best ally, both for remembering your dreams, but also for having lucid dreams. But how do you manage to use the last cycle of sleep?
In fact, the last sleep cycle is the time after which you go to the bathroom during the night, and drinking before sleeping ensures that you can wake up just before the last cycle.
Then go straight to bed, no smartphone can keep you awake and read some dreams from your dream journal, so you can immerse your brain in the dream world before sleeping and make the dream feel good in the world real.
do something unusual
By doing something unusual, your brain will not have the same mechanisms as when you sleep, so when you sleep, your brain will be better prepared to bring into the conscious sphere all that is abnormal, which is generally the case of dreams, very different in their conception of reality. This will make it easier for you to remember.
For this, there is no need to do risky or incredible things, simple things that are out of the ordinary are enough.
Pay attention to your sleeping habits
By always getting up and going to bed at the same time, the brain is conditioned, already for the time of the pee at night, but also for its sleep cycles in general, which allows it to better remember its dreams.
Also avoid degrading your sleep by eating bad foods for sleep such as spices or very fatty foods and also avoid exciting products that contain theine and caffeine before going to sleep. You will prepare the ground for the mastery of your dreams and their remembrance.
Beware of medication
The dream phases take place during paradoxical sleep, except certain medications can reduce or delay it, just like alcohol. It is therefore vital to take the right measures and if the medication cannot be avoided, to realize that it will be necessary to wait before being able to resume the memory of your dreams.
Know the symbols of dreams
The symbols of dreams are those that define it. To achieve this as easily as possible, here are the different elements of the dream and how to interpret them. To facilitate the understanding of the dream, I will use examples to make everything very easily understandable.
The colors are all a reflection of an energy, and are also the easiest things to see in the dream, knowing what they correspond to, can tell a lot about the dream. And the opposite case can completely fail the interpretation of the dream. Here is the symbolism of each color in the dream world.
Red : Red represents passion, both negatively and negatively, and is a sign of excitement and envy. A bright red will represent passion in its most extreme form. The elements of the dream which are in red reflect an excitement a passion. For example, if you are boarding a red train that is leaving, the train is an expression of a new beginning, red corresponds to your excitement about this new stage of life.
Orange : The orange color is linked to hope and desire, it can tend towards red and can thus represent the emergence of powerful passionate feelings. The color orange is not the most common in dreams as it is a transitional color.
Yellow : Yellow symbolizes wanting to get out of certain circumstances and is often linked to willpower, not omnipotence, but the ability to do things and usually reflects the dreamer's wish to be able to get out of a bad situation. pass.
Green : Green is a color of evolution and appeasement, often present in dreams related to the personal field and the spiritual dimension. It is a generally positive color. For example, if you vomit green, then it is a sign that you have shed some weight that brings you to this mental state of calm.
Blue : Peace and tranquility are the sign of this color in dreams. Blue elements are often linked to this inner peace, like water, which when clear in dreams is its embodiment.
Violet : Purple reflects union and awakening, it is spiritual and very positive, it is however very rare, but if fundamental elements of the dream appear in purple when they are not in reality, you know why.
Brown : Brown is linked to the need to refocus on oneself, generally this color is associated with nature and the calmest dreams. It is a color that marks a need to stop the incessant flow of life and the need for calm.
Grey : Gray is a color, between black, often negative, and white symbol of purity, it is an element of observation. It can also be a sign of duality between good and evil and reflect conflicting feelings in your waking life.
Noir : Color linked to a negative personality change in dreams, black is also often indicative of low energies. For example, dreams in which darkness is strong are related to blurring and difficulty in the unknown, which symbolizes negative change.
White : Purity, wisdom and love are linked to the color white in dreams, it is the most positive color and is very good and reflects a very good energy level in reality.
The emotions
In dreams, the emotions you feel are fundamental to making a coherent interpretation of them. For example, being afraid of the dark or entering it with serenity says a lot about your relationship to problems and the unknown in real life.
Peur : Fear in dreams mirrors that which is present in real life. If you are afraid in the dream, you have to adopt your behavior in real life following a situation. Fear is the sign that you have to make a choice, leave this situation or face it, for example, the status quo is no longer possible.
Aggressiveness : Aggression in dreams is linked to tension in real life. The stronger the aggression in the dreams, the more the casserole is about to explode in reality. Aggression is often linked to a person.
Anger : Anger acts as a warning that you are boiling over a specific point in your waking life; You need to take a step back to resolve this situation because the consequences can be very bad if you let your anger explode.
Annoyance : Annoyance in dreams is a sign that your subconscious detects suspicious things in real life. In fact, it is usually about betrayals or bad behavior but not done in a frontal way. Annoyance in dreams is usually linked to this type of suspicion in real life.
Compassion : Compassion in dreams is a call from the unconscious to soothe you or continue to soothe you in real life. The person towards whom you sympathize is essential to identify in the dream to know at what level of your life this compassion is located.
Depression : Sign of despair that tells you that you must act and move on. When you are in this type of dream, details can help you see solutions that your subconscious is considering that are beyond your conscious realm.
Despair : Despair is often linked to others in dreams and there is someone you worry about in the vast majority of these dreams. The person will usually be present in the dream or the events that affect them.
Disapproval : There is a side of yourself that you may be repressing and that you don't like, the details of the dream can help you. For example, if you experience this feeling in your house in the dream, it is homely disapproval.
Embarrassment : You have insecurities about some facet of yourself. It can be certain thoughts, behaviors or actions you have taken.
envie : This emotion in dreams can be as negative as positive and perhaps linked to ambition or jealousy for example. The level of success in the actions of the dream allows you to know if you feel able to do it unconsciously or not.
Frustration : There is something that displeases you in your life, and which affects your life situation in general. The elements of the dream will allow you to get an idea of what it is about, for example, if it is about a snake, the frustration concerns the sexual level.
Guilt : You feel unworthy of something you have in real life and you need to work on it in a real state so that the guilt stops eating you up.
Jealousy : This dream is related to your envy in the negative sense. For example, if you are jealous in front of a palace, you feel bad about a comfort of life or a wealth that you do not have.
Joie : Joy is the most beautiful emotion in the dream and it will show you how in harmony you are in your life. Generally it is about human relations.
Amour : There are two interpretations here. The first is the relationship you live in harmony with a person. The second is the lack of love you feel in real life.
Paranoia : You are suspicious of what is happening in your life, changes can put you in a state of suspicion.
Paix : The feeling of peace in dreams is linked to the end of a complicated period and to renewal, a now harmonious period.
Sadness : Something that happened is causing you negative emotions. It can be grief, loss, or a lack of faith in the future.
The events reveal how you act in your life, the subconscious will reflect it in the dream. For example, a very unstable, moving, blurry or even very agitated environment will reveal the mental blur that you have in your life.
Events you interact with in the dream will show how you deal with different things in real life. For example, if someone comes to kill you and you manage to put them out of harm's way, it symbolizes your ability to deal with threats in your life, in this case, attempted murder reflects a serious threat. .
A dream in which you tame something that scares you in the real state demonstrates your ability to recover from this phobia. If you calmly interact with the events that come your way, it is a reflection of the harmony in your life.
Observation is also important for interpreting events, as you can be passive in dreams and contemplate what is happening. For example, observing a calm sea is a sign of well-being. But if the sea is rough and red, restlessness and passion are at the heart of your life.
Finally, pay attention to the development of events. For example, a rough sea that becomes calm is a sign that at the unconscious level you have the ability to find harmony and that the period of agitation will soon be behind you.
Here are the differences to consider when analyzing the different events:
What are the events?
Are the events calm or turbulent?
The degree of turmoil of events reflects the tumult of your life. Pay close attention to events, this is the first thing to do and this will allow you to establish the framework of the dream.
What is your interaction with events?
Events reflect an aspect of our life in real life. Our reaction to them is our relationship to them, which is made through actions and emotions that indicate the state of mind in which we find ourselves in reality.
For example, boarding a train with serenity shows that you embrace change with open arms. But another example in which you run away in fear from a monster shows unfounded fears in real life.
Are there any changes?
Changing events symbolize changes in your life, whether in material facts or in your state of mind. To take the example of the sea again, if it changes from calm to rough, then harmony gives way to tumult in real life.
Is there a recurrence?
The more commonalities come up in dreams, the more they occupy a central place in your subconscious. If a pregnant woman dies in several of your dreams for example, then this is a sign that a positive life change has been aborted or that you feel it is going to fail and it is working on you deep within. .
What is the context?
The context makes it possible to refine the interpretation of the dream as much as possible, here is how to recontextualize the dream:
- Is the environment familiar to you? For example, your house, your car, a place you know or people you know who determine the part of your life that will be interpreted.
- What triggers the events? Did you cause a particular action or were the events due to causes external to you? This reveals whether it is something you have control over or not or is a consequence of your actions or not.
- What state are you in the dream? You can be sick, overpowered or like in reality for example, and this reveals your current state of mind.
- Who accompanies you? A friend, a family member or even a stranger will all mean something different.
- Is the dream recurring? The more recurrent a dream is, the more it signifies something fundamental in your life and which occupies your mind deep within itself.
What are objects, animals and people?
Each element means something different, thanks to the books that are dedicated to the different meanings of dreams, you will be able to understand why these elements are in the dream and you will have concrete interpretations.
Here are the most concrete examples to understand what the subconscious means via these objects, because there is always a certain logic that will become a reflex when you practice interpreting your dreams:
- A new phase: Train, bus, plane…
- A revival: Pregnant woman, toddler….
- A danger: Serpent, tornade, dragon….
- Recklessness: Singing, dancing, flying….
- Discomfort: Nudity….
Using lucid dreaming to improve dream interpretation
Lucid dreaming is the ability to control your dreams and a book is included to help you achieve this. But control can also be used to better interpret your dreams, here's how to do it.
The first thing is to stabilize the dream, to be fully conscious in order to be able to interpret the dream with precision and make the finest and most detailed analysis possible.
Then you can remain as a spectator to analyze your emotions, the events and everything that appears in the dream.
The advantage of lucid dreams is that you can directly in the dream take possession of it and do the live analysis there, the dream memory will also be stronger when you wake up.
In the dream, you can also approach certain things to write down your sensations allowing you to be literally conscious in your own unconscious.
What are the benefits of dream interpretation?
Knowing how to interpret your dreams offers many advantages that will transform your life because you will be able to use the powers of your subconscious much more powerful than those of the simple conscious mind. Here are the different things that this interpretation will allow you to do.
Fix problems before they explode
Negative dreams should be used to avoid the rise of tension because your subconscious tells you what is wrong and at what level.
So, when you have a dream meaning, for example, that your relationship as a couple is exploding, you can, for example, distance yourself for a while or lower the tension by using what the dream tells you.
Know each other better
The subconscious registers a lot of things that are far beyond the capabilities of the conscious side alone. You will be able to learn a lot more about yourself and make better decisions. For example, if you are in a phase of your life where you want to change horizons, but you do not have a clear horizon, your dreams will tell you what your subconscious yearns for and therefore what is important to you. deep within you.
Better manage your emotions
Dreams are a reflection of our emotions and allow, by interpreting them, to teach us how to better manage our emotions and to eliminate your negative emotions and limiting thoughts, bringing a change of life because our emotions are the basis of our life.
Conquer your fears
Many dreams bring to light phobias and fears, if the dreams are recurrent you know it is time to correct them and tracking these dreams will show you how you are coping with this problem.
FAQ: Frequently asked questions about dreams
Dreams raise many questions, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about dreams:
Are dreams synonymous with good sleep?
Dreams, when remembered, point to good sleep, if you sleep badly, at irregular times, then you will not be able to remember correctly, be sure to have good sleep habits so that you can interpret them regularly from precise way.
Are dreams premonitory?
No dream is premonitory. Sometimes you may feel like it but it's just that the subconscious has brought out things related to your life and what the subconscious feels has happened. For example, the unconscious can bring out tensions with your sister, which then occur in reality, but this is not prescient.
Does intense dreaming make you tired during the day?
Directly no, but if the dream is too intense, it can wake you up, and in this case, indeed, the sleep phase being interrupted, you can be tired if you sleep badly or do not sleep after the dream, because sleep will be incomplete.
Why do we forget our dreams?
We forget our dreams when the process of the brain is not complete, it often feels that other information is more important for the conscious part of the brain to remember, usually what happened the day before and which it records during the sleep.
What are the different types of dreams?
Dreams are classified into different types:
- realistic dream : Which corresponds to what is real, no monsters or events defying the laws of gravity. The events are similar to reality in terms of realism.
- Concomitant dream : The dream is an integral copy of something that happened in real life.
- Nightmare : Dream which causes a disorder on the psyche and which often causes awakenings. It still causes very unpleasant emotions but is still vital in the interpretation of dreams.
- creative dream : The creative dream is a pure figment of the imagination, without the limits of real life. Dreams of this type include elements that go beyond anything that happens in real life.
- lucid dream : Dream in which you are aware and you have total control of it. The dedicated book will allow you to do it every night.
Why do I wake up after every dream?
Awakenings after dreaming are due primarily to the phase of sleep in which they occur and in which awakening is possible. The second thing is which dream was so emotionally strong that it woke you up. Nightmares are usually the cause when waking up like this.
The different phases when you interpret your dreams
The interpretation is done in several steps and shows you how important it is for everyday life:
- Intermittent Guided Interpretation : At the very beginning, you will retain only part of your dreams, it will fortunately be the most important, the brain having placed it in memory in priority according to the importance that the dream has. You will have to use these books to interpret it correctly.
- Regular guided interpretation : This is the first case. You now remember your dreams more often, but you still have to refer to the books to find the meaning. Those who work more on the memory of dreams arrive at this stage.
- Intermittent interpreting: This is the second case. You can interpret them without help but the dreams are still erratic in your memory. This scenario is most common when you practice interpretations and know the meaning of the elements that appear the most.
- The regular interpretation : This is the third phase, you remember your dreams and interpret them correctly. It takes several weeks and now you can apply the power of it in real life.
- Intuitive real-field application : You intuitively interpret and act in real life based on the meaning of the dream which is a powerful pillar of your attitude and actions in the real world. It has become a reflex.
Interpreting your dreams: The final word
Interpreting your dreams will give you many benefits in real life, and unlike 99% of the population, you will use the subconscious to make the right choices in life, which is much more powerful than just the conscious side.
Dream interpretation, like lucid dreaming, has totally changed my life and I wish you the same.
Their interpretation will not be done in a few days, but after a good month you will reach a sufficient mastery to be able to use their teaching and derive the benefits in real life.
Believe me, whether it's lucid dreaming or interpretation, you'll get things beyond your imagination, your subconscious mind will be like your guardian angel.