You had the weirdest dream ever last night. You dreamed about cheating on your boyfriend with your ex. The mark of this dream was present when you woke up this morning and now you want to know what it means.
As Freud describes in his works, dreams are the way to access our subconscious. The subconscious has a strong power that our brain does not develop during the day. Not all dreams should be taken literally, but they have a much greater meaning than we think.
It is not for nothing that experienced therapists use them during their sessions with their clients. Understanding dreams helps doctors to better identify the problems of their patients and thus help them.
Therefore, understanding your dreams is of utmost importance. Dreaming about cheating on your boyfriend with your ex has a more complex meaning than you might think.
Here are the main interpretations related to the dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex:
Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex: a waste of money
To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex means that he might lose money. It is safer to put yourself in a protective position. Stay away from excesses and be content with what you have for a while. It's not a good idea to lend money to people around you, because you may never see them again.
If people owe you money, it's time to pay it back because you're going to need it. Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex reveals that you are a charming and virtuous person, but it's time to think about yourself.
Dream about cheating on your boyfriend with your ex reveals that you are generous and open-minded. You like to support others and you know that you are kind to the people around you. To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex means that you have never really been poor.
You have always earned enough to support yourself. Obviously more money would be nice, but you never lacked for anything. To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex means that it's time to think about you. It doesn't make you selfish, but it will help you. exploit its full potential.
Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex: emotional compensation
To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex signifies that you are enduring emotional deprivation. You are not satisfied at the moment. You seem well surrounded but something is missing. To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex signifies that food is your sanctuary. It is very bad for your long term health.
Don't just fill the void, but try to solve your problem. Look inside yourself and stop fooling yourself. Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex reveals that you should not be afraid to seek advice from a professional to help you.
Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex also means having a special relationship with food. You are in excess, either in abundance with an appetite that seems infinite, or in the strictest of fasts. Since his earliest childhood, his relationship with food has been a challenge.
To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex shows that food is an outlet that compensates for all other aspects of your life. You have a difficult relationship with your body.
Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex: a great ambition
To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex reveals that in business you are materialistic and devout. You are greedy to acquire, more for the feeling of possessing, for the sociable power it gives you, than to actually enjoy it.
Calculating, farsighted and structured, dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex means that you are protecting your interests wisely. In a transaction, you assess the stakes as they are and deal with the case rationally. Avoid mixing emotions that could cloud your verdict.
Dreaming of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex also means being attentive or reluctant with your superiors. You are ready to take on many tasks. Only with them you feel competition.
To dream of cheating on your boyfriend with your ex reveals that you like to do things your way and can be extremely stubborn when you want to.