The wolf is a wild animal, very popular in Western culture and found in objects such as wolf t-shirts, wolf duvet covers, wolf throws, and in works of fiction, such as Game of Thrones . Known for his ability to survive and his hunting instinct, like any living being, he needs sleep to be able to use all these abilities.
The sleep of the wolf is identical on all corners of the globe
As with humans, all wolves have similar recovery needs. These wild canids, which depend on intense hunting to survive, sleep nearly 8 hours a day.
Wolves have many reasons for requiring such a rest period. When active, except when hunting, they burn 70% more calories than other animals of the same build.
When hunting, they burn 10 to 20 times more calories than when resting. They therefore need a long period of sleep to be able to ensure their survival.
However, one study found that baby wolves slept more than their adult elders.
Do wolves sleep together?
Wolves are known to be solitary predators. However, they gather in packs around a leader. They usually roost in packs within their territory. This allows them to avoid being killed by another pack while sleeping alone.
Where do wolves sleep?
The wolves sleep in their den, under brush or rock. They always sleep near a water point. Outside their territory, they rarely spend time sleeping, being able to be killed by the clans possessing this territory.
The awakening of the wolf
Wolves are after bears the animals for which waking up is the most difficult. You can sound several alarms in a wolf's ears, there is no guarantee that he can wake up. They start to emerge around 9am and really can't concentrate until 11am. They are, however, very nocturnal, fatigue not reaching them at the earliest until around midnight. The time when they are most alert is late evening.
Sleeping with wolves: good idea?
It is possible to sleep with wolves under certain conditions. Some establishments offer to sleep alongside them, but separated by a protective glass. Wolves can smell the sense of smell at almost 2km and being fond of human flesh, it is not recommended to sleep with a wolf in the middle of nature, or even to approach them.
Do wolves sleep in pairs?
Wolves sleep in pairs during periods of heat, outside the pack. Outside this period, they resume their traditional habits. In a couple, wolves do not tolerate the proximity of other wolves, considered challengers.
How do baby wolves sleep?
Baby wolves sleep close to the mother until they reach the age of being independent. Then they join the pack for their nights.