Meaning of the Tarot Page of Swords Card:
Page of Swords
The Page of Swords is one of the minor arcana of the Tarot de Marseille. It consists of a young man carrying in one hand a sword pointing upwards and in the other a stick pointing downwards (in the version of Editions Camoin).
He seems to be standing straight in the middle of the map, his feet looking a bit like the boatman's. This young man is in an attitude of inner listening (developing strategy and plans). The ground is yellow with orange tufts of grass showing strong energy and connection.
The colours of the card are particularly balanced. They show the management of his energies and his capacity for creation. The sword pointing upwards indicates that he is ready for action. The stick he holds in the other hand recalls the sequence of sticks with the fire element and the energy that accompanies it. The sequence of Sticks represents the whole of the energy and the potential that exists in humans and his ability to manifest it.
The Tarot Page of Swords, like all the Tarot de Marseille's valets will talk about the beginning or germination of the idea or project. He is not yet mature but knows how to project himself to build in the future.
The meanings of the Tarot Page of Swords upright card
When you look at the Tarot Page of Swords card, what is most obvious is the energy that the card releases. We see a will to do.
There is a lot of passion and enthusiasm. The sword pointing upwards shows this desire to take on new projects. The desire to implement new ideas and especially to share them with others.
If you pull the Tarot Sword Page in your Tarot deck, it will indicate that you are starting a new project. Perhaps, a new journey or new situations or relationships with extraordinary energy and excitement.
The difficulty for the Tarot Sword Page is to keep his enthusiasm and energy over time.
Indeed, like all Tarot cards Tarot de Marseille this Tarot card symbolizes the beginning of something. It is therefore necessary to be able to continue this action afterwards and keep this enthusiasm and energy.
A penchant for challenges
The Tarot Sword Page is also a character about challenge. He's someone who loves difficulty. That's his nature. He likes to challenge himself. Especially for the pleasure of overcoming difficulties. He likes challenges and he is happy to find them. In these cases, he always follows his instincts and his passion. The more exciting the challenge, the greater his energy will be.
The Tarot Page of Swords encourages you to move forward with enthusiasm, to get into action. And this is probably the most important thing, take action immediately to set up and make things happen.
Who's the Page of swords?

The Tarot Page of Swords card depicts a young man in a posture that may appear a little static at first glance. But this is only an appearance, because everything inside is bubbling with energy and desire.
Our valet:
- seems to think of a thousand ideas
- makes all kinds of plans for the future
- is totally in touch with himself and his inner feeling.
It is in the sword as well as in the staff that one feels that he has the strength to knock down mountains. But he hasn't yet taken full action. Right now he's just in the projection. And this is where the valet expresses the beginning.
An important feature of this map is the understanding that in order to start new projects, one must first and foremost stay aligned with oneself. It is also important to know communicating with other people to help you get organized and create your project.
So the Tarot Page of Swords doesn't work alone. He likes to work in a team and share his ideas with others. The Tarot Sword Jester asks you to associate with other people who will make the journey with you and who will also help you to develop.
The Page of swords, above all, a lot of energy.
If you draw the Page of Swords from your tarot deck, it will indicate a certain level of tension or conflict in your relationships. Perhaps too much energy that needs to be released. It may mean that it is necessary to take some distance from the situation.
The Tarot deck Page of Swords may also show that you are in contact with a person. It may be young, or at least young in spirit and heart. But in spite of his inexperience he may have things to pass on to you. This is why you should always remain open and enthusiastic in order to better understand and learn from the world.
You must remain open and enthusiastic
It's one of the most important messages of the Tarot Page of Swords. This Tarot de Marseille card also encourages you to work on the mental side. Perhaps through learning, research, exploration or curiosity and thirst for knowledge. This map is primarily focused on the intellect.
The personality of the Tarot Page of Swords

The Tarot Page of Swords is a very fine character. He quickly understands situations and knows how to read what exists in each of us. He knows how to find the truth where it is. Above all, he's an ace of communication who knows how to ask the right questions.
Unfortunately, it lacks experience and maturity. He can sometimes appear to be a pain in his essays. Nevertheless, he has excellent abilities and skills. He is an excellent student. He loves to learn. He knows how to anticipate situations intelligently.
The Tarot Page of Swords is an excellent communicator. He knows how to transmit his ideas brilliantly. And, he knows how to find information where it is.
The blade of the Page of sword will also show that it will be important for you to know how to analyze the ideas and information given to you. You also need to know how to communicate and transmit. It doesn't matter whether his ideas come from you or from others. What is important is the ability to share, transmit and communicate with others.
The Page of swords is an excellent orator. He knows how to handle words with precision. This Page knows how to write or speak with elegance. Above all, he can convey what he believes in with passion.
Nevertheless, one of the flaws of the Tarot de Marseille swordsmith is that he can become very talkative in the negative sense of the word. He likes to talk and he may then appear as a "know-it-all".
The Tarot Page of Swords card is shown upside down:
The Tarot Sword Valet, when drawn backwards, will suggest that you are acting too hastily. You are not thinking enough before you start.
The fact is that the extraordinary energy within you prevents you from being able to take the time to reflect. So you spend a lot of energy, but you are not productive enough.
You're kind of beating the dust without being able to do anything concrete. The advice that appears here through the upside-down Page of swords map is to take the time to analyze the situation. Do not take unnecessary actions.
The card of the reverse Page of sword may also be a sign of lack of action. It will be a person who talks a lot but never takes action. You will need to be especially careful about this type of person who promises you a lot but will not do anything.
There is also an idea of information that you should know how to keep secret or keep to yourself and not necessarily communicate.
Before you make promises or commitments, you need to be sure that you can keep your promise. This is a warning from the Page of swords so that you can maintain your reputation, for example. It is also a warning to others who may make promises or commitments to you but will not keep them.
Speech as an engine
On the other hand, the Page of swords can also present himself as a young man who tries to impress you by talking a lot, by drowning you in words about his exploits, by telling you all sorts of things about him (sometimes not true).
In this case, the Page of swords may also be an older but immature person.
The upside down Page of swords will also be able to give the information that by your behaviour and especially your words you are annoying other people. Perhaps you ask yourself too many questions or give yourself too many challenges.
This may simply be a perception of others and not necessarily your intention. In fact, you may simply be trying to understand the situation for yourself and asking questions to get a better understanding of the situation. This will indicate to you that you need to change the way you approach others and the way you talk to them. You will have to change the way you talk, your speech and ask questions that are much more open and much more pleasant for others.
Finally, the upside down Page of swords may suggest that you havefear of public speakingor that you have difficulty expressing yourself. In this case he will talk about stalking, anxiety and difficulty in having all eyes on him.
You play the Page of swords thinking of one person in particular:
- In the professional field:
He's someone who knows how to work as a team. He knows how to present new projects with flair. You can take this person with you to present your company or to present the projects or the work to be done. However, he is a person who likes challenges and he will need to be given challenges regularly so that he doesn't get bored. The Page of swords could be a sales force, or study in business management or commerce. He will always know how to negotiate and ally others to his project. You will be able to trust him as long as you know how to give him challenges and pay him well. -
In the sentimental field :
The Page of Swords is not sentimental. He likes to analyze and this is not very spontaneous. The valet will be able to talk, sometimes make promises to you. This person will know how to seduce you with his speech and his way of speaking, but then you will have to check the depth of his feelings. -
In the financial field :
The Page of Swords could be a good financier. But you should also be wary of him because his character may make him look for opportunities and gain. You can therefore entrust your finances to him because he will know how to make them bear fruit but you should also keep a close eye on him so that you do not get involved in financial arrangements that are too risky. The Page of Swords loves all that is difficult and challenging, but he also loves risk and experience.