Knowing how to sleep on your back isn't so simple if you sleep in a completely different sleeping position.
Therefore, it is better to change sleeping position and sometimes sleep on your back. However, the new posture is not always pleasant and may prevent you from falling asleep at first.
In this guide, we'll look at why sleeping on your back is worth it and how you can learn it.
How to sleep on your back: Why learn this?
Only a small proportion of the population prefers to sleep on their backs. The lateral position is always considered the preferred position and is ranked as the most comfortable.
One of the reasons could be that we already adopt in the fetus an attitude reminiscent of the lateral position. The fetal position provides safety and keeps the body warm. This habit usually continues from childhood to adulthood.
The fetal position can be comfortable, but sleeping on your back is much healthier.
Sleeping on your back is worth it and it is beneficial for you that you can also fall asleep in this position. The spine is straight and if you have a desk job and you mostly sit there, keep your back flat may be a healthy countermeasure against back pain .
Doctors consider sleeping on your back to be the healthiest option. Spinal posture has already been covered, but there are other benefits that don't just affect back pain.
The spine does not only affect the back. Back pain is most often perceived in the lower back, for example due to poor posture when working at the PC. However, the effects are very diverse.
The pillow should provide a good sleeping position.
If you are suffering from neck pain, unfavorable sleeping posture may be responsible. When you sleep on your side, there is a risk that the head will formally bend. If the pillow is too high or too low, the head is no longer level with the spine. As a result, tension and pain in the neck can be felt, which is particularly strong on one side.
Do you have any upset stomach or bad breath after getting up? One of the reasons could be the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. This The risk is especially high when lying on your side because the esophagus is above the stomach.
If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, this may also be associated with restrictions. The diaphragm cannot develop properly and it is more difficult for you to breathe. You may not notice it in your sleep, but the body is no longer sufficiently supplied with oxygen. In the morning, you feel tired and less productive.
On the back, however, you have the option of breathe much deeper. You absorb more oxygen and there is no deficiency. It can make you feel much more energized in the morning and start the day better.
The deep sleep phase should also be favored by sleeping on the back. Your body can "switch off" better and the next morning you feel much more relaxed.
From an aesthetic point of view, sleeping on your back can also be beneficial. The pillow rubbing the face causes wrinkles. By sleeping on your back, you avoid contact with the pillow and the formation of wrinkles is reduced. You can also buy a sleep mask to avoid these wrinkles.
How to sleep on your back easily?
If you're not used to sleeping on your back, you'll probably struggle at first. Here are the best ways to achieve this:
Spend time on your back
It doesn't make much sense to just lie in bed and stay awake until you fall asleep on your back. This can lead to additional stress and reduce the chances of success.
You better try yourself first get used to lying on your back. This means that you consciously lie on your back and avoid the side position.
If you are tired and want to fall asleep, use your usual sleeping position. Try to spend more time on your back every night and you'll feel better every night.
If the back position is comfortable, you can try falling asleep in this position. But don't force yourself to do it.
Relearning is quick if you get a good night's sleep and have no problem falling asleep. If, on the other hand, you have sleep problems, it may be a good idea to eliminate them before practicing sleeping on your back.
Always on your back, you have to make sure that your body is perfectly aligned and that the spine is in a natural position.
First, the head and spine must be level. Make sure the pillow is neither too low nor too high.
Good control of the sleeping position
Arms should be relaxed beside you. So have enough space on both sides to rest your arms.
You can now relax with your legs shoulder-width apart. This way all muscles can relax.
Avoid placing your hands on your belly or crossing your legs. As a result, the muscles are still slightly under tension.
Now, take a deep breath and relax all your muscles. This breathing technique can be reminiscent of meditation and leads to better results in learning to sleep on your back.
If you find it difficult to learn to sleep on your back or if you have slight tension or pain, you can follow the tips below.
Essential tips
Sleeping on your back particularly relieves the lower spine. However, if there is a particular load, this unusual position can lead to aggravation of back pain.
To avoid this, place a pillow under your knees . As a result, the legs are slightly higher and the pressure comes from the lower spine.
Calm your thoughts
If you're stressed and just want to fall asleep as quickly as possible, you're unlikely to succeed.
This is even more difficult if you leave your usual sleeping position and want to sleep on your back. A good breathing technique helps to avoid stress.
To learn how to sleep, put yourself in a relaxed state of mind.
First try to hide the negative thoughts of the day and to breathe deeply and evenly. Wander in your thoughts, try to focus on your breathing.
You can also try to perceive sleeping on your back as particularly positive. Imagine this position making you much more rested and productive. Because of the power of positive thoughts, stress decreases and you can fall asleep better.
The right mattress
The mattress is also an important element for back sleeping. You spend around 8 hours every night on the mattress and this time around it should be clear that it's worth investing in a high quality mattress and above all adapted.
The hardness of the mattress is particularly important. If it's too soft, your back won't be stabilized enough. The spine sags and cannot stay in its natural position.
On the other hand, if the mattress is too hard, it can be uncomfortable. Here, you quickly feel the urge to take a different position.
Therefore, find a healthy middle ground that is ideal especially for your spine. When buying a mattress, try it. The shoulders and buttocks can easily give way, but the back should rest firmly.
With these tips, you should be able to quickly get out of your routine and learn how to sleep on your back.