To dream of pooping on yourself may indicate changes that may be influencing the people around you. You need to take a step back from the unhealthy people around you. To dream of pooping on yourself shows that your subconscious is giving you a warning signal. Have the courage to stand up for yourself. Don't let anyone else affect you or get in your way.
Dreaming of pooping on yourself: Being assertive
Dreaming of pooping on yourself shows that you are often spreading your problems to others. You project your own problems or mistakes onto others. You end up criticizing certain people, blaming them for things they probably aren't actually doing.
To dream of pooping on yourself shows that you can't admit you have a problem. You find it easier to blame them because deep down you're too scared to look at yourself in the mirror. To dream of pooping on yourself shows that you are just getting full and it can't go on or you risk losing important friendships.
Dreaming of pooping on yourself: Financial setbacks
Dreaming of pooping on yourself is not a financially positive sign. Problems are to be expected. You have started a menacing journey and you may not see your return on investment. You fear losing control. To dream of pooping on yourself shows that you have been handling your money casually lately. You made rash decisions without taking the time to think things through.
Professionally, dreaming of pooping on yourself indicates that you have to work harder. You have to invest more in your work if you want to grow. You are looking for a certain ideal in life that will keep you from being needy.
But there's no secret, to get there, you'll really have to be determined and stop beating around the bush. Capable of great things, you always have a lazy side. To dream of pooping on yourself seems to indicate that you are on the right track and that you have become aware of things.