Even in ancient times, bathing was very important for cleansing the body. The first public baths were built during this period. A clean and well-groomed body was already very important for people and showed, among other things, their position in society. Also in the present, personal hygiene is extremely important.
Many people like to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, at the sink in front of the mirror, grooming themselves, tweezing their eyebrows with tweezers, shaving and trimming their beards, or pampering their skin with creams. and lotions. Some women would never leave the house without makeup, others prefer the natural look - somehow everyone inevitably spends some time in the bathroom during the day. Simply because the toilet is usually found here, as well as the shower and/or bathtub.
What is the meaning of a bathroom in your dream? Please keep in mind that “bathroom” can have two meanings: The word is an abbreviation of “bathroom”, so bathroom means room. Or you take a bath, that is, you bathe in the tub.
It is crucial for the correct analysis of dreams to restore the exact context of the dream as much as possible after waking up and to interpret as many symbols as possible. The following list shows you the most important dream situations in relation to a bathroom while you sleep. You can read more interesting aspects of the bathroom dream symbol, including the bath, later.
Dreaming of a bathroom - the most common dreams about the symbol
Dreaming of a bathroom in a house
If a bathroom appears at the dream level as a room in the house, the dreamer often receives a message from the subconscious to treat more precisely past waking life experiences. He may feel remorse about something in the past, or he may not be able to put things behind him. Now, according to dream analysis, the right time has come to get rid of it. (See Dreaming of House).
Features of the bathroom in the dream
Dreaming of a small bathroom
A large bathroom in a dream can show the sleeper's willingness to face something in reality previously hidden within him. People who have this dream are often aware that dealing with repressed experiences can be embarrassing. But he should not be afraid to undertake this effort.
Dream about a dirty bathroom
If a dirty bathroom is seen in a dream, the sleeper will probably soon find a solution to his past problems. Also, a dirty bathroom as a dream image may indicate the real desire of the dreaming person to get rid of past mistakes. The dream of cleaning and wiping the bathroom especially illustrates the dreamer's desire to clean himself internally.
Dreaming of a dark bathroom
If the bathroom is dark while you sleep, a situation from the past will probably not be easy to resolve. If the bathroom seems gloomy because of rather dark tiles, such as black or brown, then the dreamer should, under some circumstances, face his spiritual energies so that he can use them to create something new.
Dream of water in the bathroom
If one experiences a dream-level flood in the bathroom, it may express the dreaming person's desire for rest and reflection to meet basic needs. If your dream bathroom is underwater, it may also be appropriate. manage your own character traits. Because maybe the sleeper should part with some personality characteristics in waking life. (See Dreaming of Water).
Dream about renovating a bathroom
If you are renovating a bathroom in your dream, you can yearn for internal cleansing in the waking world. Because perhaps the dreamer is not at peace with himself and now would like to free himself from a mental burden. Also, after a renovation, a new bathroom can bring positive changes to real life.
What you can find in the bathroom
Dreaming of toilets and bathrooms
If the sleeper sees a bathroom with a toilet in his dream, this promises him usually a release of emotional charge. However, if the toilet in the bathroom is dirty or disgusting during sleep, the affected person should eventually become aware that they have trouble getting rid of stressful things. Also, the sight of a toilet may symbolize the dreamer's desire for a place of retreat.
Dreaming of sink
The sink in the bathroom can express the dreamer's desire to free himself from worries and problems. Cleansing during dreams usually illustrates the desire to leave behind disturbing characteristics. If the sink in the dream is broken or clogged or the faucet is faulty, it can indicate an impending loss or prompt you to manage your own emotional state.
Dreaming about the bathroom window
The view from a window open bathroom while sleeping can lead to favorable developments, while a closed window can warn the dreamer of loneliness. If the sleeper opens the bathroom window in their dream, they should often become aware of their willingness in waking life to come into contact with other people.
Dreaming of a bathroom - the general interpretation
The bathroom-as-a-room dream symbol embodies in the dream interpretation the dream's need to deal with the rooms hidden within. He wants to wash away past events and past feelings. The quiet seclusion of the bathroom provides an opportunity to reflect on behaviors. A bath in a dream serves to take care of the soul and acts as a fountain of youth.
The bathroom is reinforced as an expression of the desire for internal cleansing, if in the dream the bathroom itself is cleaned before the dream cleans one's own body. Space as such also plays an important role in dream interpretation.
If the dreamer takes a bath in the tub instead of showering while sleeping, this should be understood according to the general interpretation of the dream as a symbol of cleansing. However, not only physical purification is in the foreground here, but also mental or spiritual purification. The dream may be feeling the need to erase old feelings or norms. Especially in times of upheaval or when starting a new phase of life, the dream of a bathroom often arises.
If the dream feels refreshed and relaxed after bathing, the dream interpretation indicates a happy future and the fulfillment of hopes. But it could also be that the bathroom is very uncomfortable in the dream or that the dirt cannot be removed. Then the dream must carefully rethink the decisions it cannot reconcile with its conscience.
A bath foam, which also has skincare, signals a dream of a future that may look good and happy at first, but in the end it experiences a negative turn. If you feel clean, beautiful and rejuvenated after the dream bath, the dream symbol indicates a process of purification. The dreamer has dealt with all that oppressed him in the past and can now look to a happier future without fear. Thanks to the dreamed bath in clear water, according to the general interpretation of dreams, the soul is cleansed and clear information about real life is gained.
If, on the contrary, the water in the dream is cloudy and dirty, the dream symbol "bath" indicates intrigues and difficulties that the dream may soon encounter. Financial losses may also occur.
Dreamers should also consider bathing water temperature when analyzing their sleep experience:
If the dreamer bathes in hot water, for example, in a thermal bath or a whirlpool, he yearns for kindness and love, which he himself must give in abundance. A bath in lukewarm water indicates inner peace and relaxation in a difficult time.
Cold bath water or refreshing bath in an outdoor swimming pool (an open air swimming pool) in the dream shows the dream that he can gain more energy and new energy for the waking world. This makes it easier to control future problems.
The vision of a bathroom in free nature prophesied according to the general interpretation of dreams for waking life often freedom and informality. Does bathing take place during sleep in a lake or river? Then this is an indication to the dreamer that he has enough strength in the waking world to overcome an adversary or to staunchly oppose adversity. - A bathroom in your own house, on the other hand, is interpreted in the general interpretation of dreams as stable and carefree conditions.
The psychological interpretation
Coins in general symbolize the space of the soul in the interpretation of dreams. The bathroom, which is above all a particularly small room with a close reference to water, is a symbol of the womb and the dream of the desire to return to "the womb". This should not be taken literally, it is more about the pleasant feelings of trust, warmth and love that one longs for.
Maybe you look for those feelings in your partner again. The water in the bathroom expresses the psychological energy in the interpretation of the psychological dream. The goal here is the conscious process of soul cleansing, to release old burdens and express yourself.
If the dreamer bathes another person in the dream, the dream symbol shows his need to care for that person or enter into an intimate relationship with him. Above all, a bath with one's own partner should be understood according to the psychological dream interpretation as a kind of fusion.
Just as the body is freed from the dirt of everyday life when showering or bathing, the psyche is cleansed from the stresses of everyday life. Often behind the dream of bathing is the request to have a clarifying conversation, as there are unspoken issues at the heart of the dream.
spiritual interpretation
The bathroom as a space signifies renewal in the analysis of spiritual dreams and as a protected space provides space for the spiritual development of the dream.
Bathing transcendently symbolizes a parable of purification and renewal.