Shaving used to be a real ritual, mostly related to men, but nowadays, when body shaving has become the norm, many girls use this activity to keep their bodies clean. It has become almost a beauty regiment rather than a hygiene ritual.
But we can all agree that there's something purifying about it. Shaving with a regular razor is the most thorough shave you can try.
Sure, there may be fear of cuts at first, but that's also the best part of this ritual because once you've mastered handling a cold stainless steel blade, you'll feel so much better about your skin after each shave.
Also, nowadays, the advent of electric razors and multi-blade shavers has become a completely safe daily routine that we can do in minutes, and no longer something that once took hours.
The shave we are talking about today was used by our great-grandparents, and we can call it the final shave, but the symbolic value of this activity remained in the symbolism of the dream.
So what does it mean to dream of shaving your head?
The meaning of dreaming of shaving your head
Since in this piece we will mainly focus on the head – or the pattern of the shaving head, it is somehow the dream that is related to hair as well as an important aspect in dreams.
So, if you shave your head in a dream, such a dream means that you will have losses in life. they can be financial or otherwise.
You don't pay attention to the things you spend your money on or the things you save for the dark days. We're not saying you should be afraid of what lies ahead in your future, but it would be a good idea to take more care of your life, your finances, and any obligations you may find irrelevant.
Another version of this dream is the one in which you finish shaving your head, and there is not a hair on your head, such a dream means that you are ready to know more about yourself and that you should not be afraid of such a dream.
It's the process we call self-discovery, and it's really important for every person if they want to enter a new stage in their life.
If in a dream you shaved your head and left a few strands of hair on it, then such a dream indicates that you are not quite ready to allow others to recognize who you really are.
You are always afraid of what people might believe. A few wisps of hair on your head serve as a kind of protective canvas that will give you the illusion that nothing has changed, even if it hasn't, not only has it changed, it's drastically different. Alternatively, shaving the hair off your head symbolizes shyness and submission.
But if you dream that someone else shaves your head, then this dream does not have a good meaning - this is the dream that speaks of the betrayal of a loved one or the person who is dear to you .
But if you are the one who shaves someone else's head, then such a dream signifies that you are trying to take away someone's independence. You trust others to get through tough times.
You need to develop your confidence and self-esteem, because without it you will not be able to move in the desired direction. And we realize that it's not an easy thing, just like shaving your head, it's a drastic change, that's for sure.
If in a dream you look at someone shaving their head and their hair falling on the floor, then this dream is indeed related to you and the inner conflict you are trying to resolve in your life.
The symbolism of dreams of shaving your head
In a symbolic sense, the dream that shows you shaving your head is usually a symbol of the decisions you are trying to make in your life, and this is the life-changing decision for some, and for others it is the decision that will change your life slightly.
Maybe for better, maybe for worse, you never know what you're going to get, but the main thing is to make a decision and be at peace with it, then you can go even further.
Alternatively, it could mean your difficult position or some kind of self-punishment. It can also have intimate meanings - perhaps sexual frustration, pain in romantic relationships, or an inability to work through these issues with the person you love.
Anything is possible because hair loss can be interpreted as a loss of sexual energy, potency or fertility.
But if you shave someone else, then this dream is symbolic of mistrust - you don't really trust people.
It is possible that some people have hurt you a lot in the past and now you are afraid that this pain will happen to you again.
Now we are going to give you an alternative symbolic value in this dream of shaving your head – some say this dream is symbolic and representation of wanting to be honored at all times.
It is a joy to see you in all societies and you have no problem making new acquaintances and friendships.
However, the dreamer often suffers in his emotional life. To the opposite sex, you give the impression of an undesirable personality for whom society is more important than love.
Should I be worried?
A dream in which you shave your head symbolizes your need to be the center of attention. You are always the loudest and often make others laugh with your thoughtful comments.
To continue this idea that the dream of shaving your head means that you are the person who wants to be in the spotlight - but you must be aware that in these attempts there will be difficulties in the next period that will reduce your income .
You won't be able to buy most of the things you liked before. At first, it will be difficult to get used to the new standard, which will bring with it many disclaimers.
In some cases, it is the dream that speaks of your fear of losing something important to you, such as your sexuality, and the dream is the representation of this fear, which, it must be said, is quite realistic.
Also, it is the dream that might indicate having a deep-rooted need to know more about your personality.
It is also the dream that comes when you have to make changes in life, more in the sense of you changing your life so that it can go in a different direction than ever before.
Some say the upcoming changes are small adjustments to your life. Some aspects of your daily routine change.
What if I have this dream?
You should be aware that not all people are the same, not all have bad intentions. If you give them a chance, they can show it to you too.
To dream that you shave your head means that you will have to be more open and honest, not only with others, but also with yourself. You have long hidden behind the masks you have made as a security mechanism.
However, if you want people to accept you and love you for who you are, you'll have to take off that mask and show your true colors.
In any case, shaving your head in real life, and also in the dream world, can be a shock, and that's for sure, but you can consider this activity an ancient ritual, which is intended to change something it It's small, but it's very noticeable. This change alone can take you somewhere you've never been before.
Fear must not be part of the story, it must be minimized, or it must disappear, because if you refuse to change, then you refuse to grow and live life.